Chapter 1: The Ancient One Emerges.

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Blood-red eyes, dark bluish crystal like rough skin, countless large octopus like tentacles swinging everywhere, A huge upward pointed squid like head, beneath which tentacles are coming out to get her. A massive mountain - like shadow is cast on the siren tribe's island. Under which only destruction lays. What kind of being it should be called? Is it a beast or a monstrosity? This massive mountain of dark-bluish flesh and tentacles with many blood-red orbs as eyes is called an ancient one. Surprisingly, it's classified as a beast. But Mirium does not believe the dusty ancient tomes now. There must be something wrong in their writers' head to classify this monstrosity as a beast. It can't be. It shouldn't. Furthermore, it's like an eldritch horror coming out from the realm of nightmares. Especially its eyes, they have hypnotic effects on anyone who is Directly or indirectly looking at it, no matter from how far the distance. Many of her tribesman had fallen victim to it and stayed rooted in place, when they should be running. Only by relying on a master rank spell did mirium break free from this trance like state. She has only half of her total mana reserve now. This monster drains mana and vitality from everything near it. Even a master rank mage like herself feels the constant pull on her mana reserve. In the entire region near this monster, a mana vacuum had been created. Teleportation is blocked and flying has become too draining on mana. Mirium cast a quick glance at the sea waves," I have to get away from this place and warn the tribe's chief. There's nothing alive in here, and I only hope master can handle this monstrosity. I have to contact him as fast as possible.” She had tried attacking with many master rank spells. But they only managed to give a scratch to it. Under its tough exterior, there's jelly like flesh and bluish colored blood. This monster has strong regenerative ability. It can even absorb spells mana power, which makes the spell structures to collapse. Most of its abilities are innate. This being does not possess magic, but it has a domain of mana void. Where every spell becomes a hundred times more mana heavy and elemental particles' density becomes very thin. Mirium glanced at the swirling mass of tentacles," Now I have only one choice. Cast a forbidden grade spell” Even though it would only leave her nearly depleted on mana. After channelling the rest of her mana, mirium cast - “The void entrapment” forbidden spell. The ancient one sensed mana fluctuations. sent giant tentacles in her way. When they were nearly reaching her, suddenly, many pitch-black holes began opening up near those tentacles and these holes generated strong suction force and that sucked in countless tentacles in them. The monster gave an ear-piercing shrill scream and began thrashing other tentacles. Mirium felt like earthquakes were happening. “This is the chance”, she quickens her running speed. The monster is trapped in these holes, which are connected to the void outside this realm. Where the distorted spatial fabric of space is constantly tearing at these tentacles. There's a reason this is called a forbidden spell. It weakens the very fabric of space in the mortal realm. It drains the user of a massive amount of mana and gives extreme fatigue. Only those in master rank and beyond can use this kind of spell. A master mage can only use one forbidden spell in a long time, but Arch mages can use them like throwing cabbages. Mirium felt a throbbing pain coming from her head and her body felt like a heavy, immovable rock that her legs couldn't support anymore. It wants to make her quit and just lay there. But she gritted her teeth and drove under-water. She willed her legs into a fishtail and used the remaining bits of magic to propel her faster and faster in the direction of the siren tribe's main island. The destroyed island is on the fringes of the territory of the siren tribe. She only hopes that the monster won't follow her as it moves its lumbering body. After nearly a day's non-stop journey, she finally reached the main island and told the chief all the events that transpired. Then she managed to send a message to her master through a magical talisman. Her short massage contains :" Master, an Ancient one is destroying siren islands. I'm on the main island at the tribes headquarter. Please, come fast. The Siren tribe needs your help.” Then, mirium feels her world view turning upside down and then darkness covered her view. She felt the coldness of the marble floor in the tribe's hall. Thereafter, cold darkness engulfed her.

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