"What you doing get off" I say to him

"Your just so sexy and with that ass out I can't control myself"

The gun on my leg wasn't a fake, and I brought it for this reason as we wasn't allowed to use magic on muggles.

So I get the gun and tap it on his chest.

"I suggest you back the fuck up before I shoot you"

"That's not real babe"

I show him the bullets and he looks back at me backing away with his hands in surrender.

I walk back over to mattheo and the same girl that had came up to him several times is back throwing herself at him, when he say me he smirked knowing what was about the happen.

I down my drink throw the cup and walk up to the girl and I punch her, she stubbles back but comes up me and slaps me, I laugh in her face.

"Is that all you got bitch" I say.

She punches me making my nose bleed and mattheo try's to pull me away.

"Mattheo get off I'm not finished with this slut yet"

"What did you just call me" she says getting up into my face.


She comes running at me and I move so she falls on the floor, I then get on top of her and start to punch her in the face, while she is trying to hit me back.

Then I feel someone grab my waist and lift me up off of the girl.

I pull out my gun and put it to his head.

"Bitch don't tempt me I will do it"

He lets me go and the girl punches me making me stubble back, put I hit her 10x harder and she falls back but pulls me down by my hair so now we are rolling around on the floor.

Until the same boy pick me up off of her again.

"Mate I've warned you"

I grabbed my gun and shot him in the head everyone gasp and I looked and mattheo and he looked proud.

The girl then got up and started attacking me.

"That was my boyfriend you bitch"

"He was the one hitting on me, either get off of me now or I will kill you to"

I say while still rolling around she didn't get off of me so I shot her to.

At this point I was covered in blood mattheo grabs me and puts my mask down and pulls me out of the house.

"Iris what the fuck" Draco says walking over.

"Give me the gun" Theo says

"No" I say back

"I was defending my self and mattheo they deserve it"

"I'm proud of you angel" mattheo says kissing me

The rest of them looked at me disgusted.

"Oh come on, it's not that back either that or I get touched by this guy I've said no to multiple times and I would still be fighting that stupid slut" I say

"You could've just walked away, your so fucking stupid we need to leave me now, before the fucking police come if you forgot we are in a muggle world" Draco says getting really angry.

"That's why I shot them Draco, loosen up a bit it's fine they didn't really see our face anyway, which of you agree what I did"

Mattheo and Lorenzo put there hands up and Theo, pansy and Draco just look at me disgusted.

I scoff and walk off with mattheo and Lorenzo.

We get the taxi back and I was so angry, that when we got back to the manor I started punching the wall and shouting.

"Angel calm down they will come around"

"No, mattheo they are right what the fuck was I doing" I say crying with angry tears.

"Protecting yourself, and me and Lorenzo are so proud of you".

Draco, Theo and pansy walks through the door and they go and sit in the living room.

Where my mother and father was, I scoff while walking in.

"What going on?" Asks my mother.

"Your fucking daughter thought it was ok to kill 2 muggles"

My mother looked shocked but my father looked proud of course he did.

"Your making sound like I just went up to them and killed them I had reason, the boy kept grabbing me and wouldn't leave me alone and the girl kept hitting on mattheo

Then me and the girl got into a fight and I kind of just shot her"

"Draco listen, she didn't mean it, she warned the guy loads of times and he still didn't listen" mattheo says sticking up for me.

"So why didn't you help her" Draco says back.

"Because she was handling it by herself, why are you so angry about it?"

"Because I don't want her to be a deatheater like the one that kills, it scares me that is how she will end up"

By now our parents have left so that's why he said that otherwise our father would of beat him.

He has tears in his eyes and he was worried I was going to become a killer.

"Oh, Draco it's not like that, the only reason I did it was because like I said he wouldn't leave me alone and she wouldn't leave mattheo alone"

"Just promise me that you only time you will kill someone is if it's a task"

"I promise" I say back

He then hugs me and I hug him back, "I'm sorry Draco" I say while he's hugging me.

"It's ok, we are all fine now"

We pull away and I say sorry to pansy and Theo and they both forgive me, I would do tonight again and again I was protecting me and my boyfriend.

It was supper late and we had to go to school tomorrow, luckily no classes but still had to leave early.

We all go up to bed and we and mattheo were cuddling in bed.

"I don't you did anything wrong angel"

I smile at him and i nuzzle my head into his chest.

And we feel asleep.


Do you think she was in the right for killing those two people.
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My Angel ; Mattheo riddle Where stories live. Discover now