23. She's what!

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Iris PoV-

I woke up about 4:50am from having a nightmare.

Mattheo was right next to me he was asleep. I decided to go to the bathroom to have a bath to ease my body as I was still hurting bad and so I get all the blood off of me.

I get up and turn on the tap, I close the door and lock it.

I then strip of the clothes mattheo put me in and I slowly go into the warm bath and I lower my self in.

It was a mixture of relief and pain but it was nice I just led there with my eyes shut and then I hear a knock at the door, it startled me and I stayed silent worried it was Jacob again

What if he knows I've told people, I felt tears slip out but I stayed silent.

"Angel it's me are you in there"

I let out a sigh of relief and grab my wand to unlock the door.

"Hey, how are u feeling"

He comes over and kneels next to me and runs his hand through my hair.

"I'm ok" I show a little smile.

He then looks me up and down and gives me a smirk.

" I know what your thinking and I would love to but I'm not in the state to do it right now"

"It's ok angel I can wait" he kisses me on the forehead and washes my hair for me.

I fall harder and harder for him everyday.

Mattheo PoV-

I couldn't sleep for long about 3 hours of sleep but that's only because I was thinking about Jacob.

If I kill him my father will most probably kill me, so I'm going to have to go and talk to him about it and see what I can do.

She was in the bath I could see the pain in her face but there was nothing I could do.

It's been a couple of hours now and it's 9:35, I've spoke to Draco and what I'm thinking on doing and he agreed and he will come too

So I'm going to need to bring Iris as well, I'm not leaving her here definitely after last time.

"Iris I need to talk to you" she knew it was something serious because I used her name.

"Hmm" is all she said

"Me and Draco are going to the manor to sort out this Jacob thing and your going to need to come"

She went pale as always she hates the manor so much.

"Ok" she was very quiet today but I don't know why but I didn't ask.

I owled my dad to let him know that I need to talk with him and he answered back almost straight away and said ok.

We all meet up and we tell no one where we are going because of reasons.

We get there and Iris clings onto my bicep as we walk through the gates.

No one spoke we were silent all the way to the door until Narcissa opened the door she looked happy to see us until she saw the state of Iris.

"Oh my dear what happened"

Iris stayed silent I could see her eyes go glossy.

"It will all be explained now" I say to get the attention off Iris.

We walk in and go to the main hall and everyone was there like a meeting but maybe my father was taking this seriously.

"Ah finally your here"

My Angel ; Mattheo riddle Where stories live. Discover now