"Kids, shut up! I heard the f-bomb being dropped!" my mom called from upstairs in her room. We both simultaneously rolled our eyes before sharing a laugh.

"But seriously, what's up with you?" I queried curiously. He gave me a pointed look before taking a deep breath.

"This morning, I ran out of hair gel... My hair's so out of shape today that I had to use your hairspray!"

"You used my hairspray?!" I scolded him, angry at the fact that he used my things without my permission. Jake always did this. First, it started with pens from my pencil case or papers being ripped out from my books. Then it escalated to novels. And now, my hair products? "I swear, you're such a douche."

"Eh, you still love me!" he cooed, before standing up to clear his bowl and soggy cereal. As he walked over to the sink, he sent me a wink, causing me to squirm and pull my most hideous face. My younger brother being all flirty and shit towards me like he usually is to other girls will always disgust me and gross me out. Imagine your siblings sending you flirty winks and shit.

"Keep believing that, Jake. You're actually adopted."

As he cackled to himself, I quickly scarfed down my cereal and grabbed my schoolbag before making my way to the door.

"Keep being slow and I'll leave you and your ancient ass behind!" I called to Jake as I exited the house.

"Wait the fuck up, Char!" I heard him holler from the kitchen, probably still trying to fix his hideous hair. I decided to be nice and waited for him by the front door, casually playing with the fabric of my shirt. It was really soft, okay. And it was new too!

"Have a lovely day, kids! And I heard the f-bomb again!" my mom yelled from the first floor as Jake was closing the door. Once again, we both rolled our eyes.


Let's just say the train trip to school was boring as fuck. Sara wasn't on the train. I had assumed she'd missed it or waited for a later one because Logan.

All I did was play games on my phone as I awkwardly sat there trying to count the minutes until the train pulled up at my desired platform.

I was now awkwardly walking into school alone too. Everyone around me was paired off with their friends or partners. I rolled my eyes at my loneliness before quickening my pace and making a mad dash for the school buildings.

"Hey Dale!" I heard an all too-familiar voice call out from behind me.

I cautiously turned around to face the head bitch. Great. What does she fucking want now?

"What do you want, Kylie?" I annoyingly sighed, giving her a strong glare. She deserves it. Like legit, she does. Someone as horrible and as annoying as her deserves everything bad.

"Just wanted to tell you that you look ten times uglier today," she sneered before exploding into a fit of laughter, her friends also joining her. I sent an even stronger glare before turning around and walking off.

As I turned the corner, I pulled out my cellphone and opening the messaging app before opening up my chat with Sara.

SAAAAAARRRRRAAA!! !##@%&%*( - Charlotte

Where the fuck are you. I was confronted by head bitch and her minions again. Save me. Please. - Charlotte

I quickly sent it to her before impatiently waiting for a response.

Where are YOU? I'm walking into school rn. Do you still need help? - Sara


At the corner near the Science rooms btw. - Charlotte

That was disgustingly graphic. What the fuck, Charlotte. - Sara

See you in five, bye x - Sara


Sara did eventually meet up with me, Logan not included because he had to go please his jerk of a friend. Also known as Christopher disgusting-personality-but-still-hot Adams.

After like, ten minutes of interaction though, Sara had to leave to go do something so I was stuck roaming the halls, sad and lonely. I swear, if I ran into Kylie again, I would not hesitate to shove my foot up her ass. I hate her so much. It's unbelievable.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Charlotte I'm-such-a-bitch Dale."

My face twisted into annoyance and anger as I was faced with Christopher Adams' sexy and hot and deliciously good-looking smirk. What the fuck, Charlotte. Control your hormones.

"I thought you didn't know my name."

"I asked Logan for it," he revealed, surprising me with the fact that he asked one of his best mates about me.

"How nice of you. To learn my name," I cooed sarcastically. "Still doesn't change the fact that your personality resembles one of a bottle though."

"Did you just compare me to a bottle?" he questioned, trying to hide a laughter from escaping.

"So what if I did?" I exclaimed, crossing my arms across my chest.

"That was a horrible insult."

"Shut the fuck up and go away, Adams. You're lowering the IQ of the entire school corridor right now," I scoffed, stealing a line from my favourite TV show. Hopefully that would get him to piss the fuck off. The longer he was around, the more I'd give in to his deliciously good-looking face. And body. And hair. And eyes.

"You literally just quoted Sherlock. Are you that horrible at comebacks that you have to steal them?"

"I didn't steal it, you butt! I recycled it," I fought back, glaring at him. "And how did you know that? Do you watch Sherlock?"

Christopher's face immediately stilled, freezing in place before relaxing. He shook his head twice and went back to smirking.

"No, I don't. I just know it," he stated, then proceeding to quickly leave.

Yeah, he totally watches Sherlock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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