Jimin felt weak suddenly as he had gained consciousness after a while, he was alone in his room when this had happened, he needed out. He slammed his door open and ran out of the house despite his parents yelling at him to come back. He kept running until he stopped, he stopped right in front of Taehyung's house.

He just ran wherever his body took him, and it took him here. Jimin knocked on the door, Taehyung's mother opens it. "Oh! Hello Jimin, are you okay? Do you need to see my son?" She questioned to Jimin. Jimin was still in a state of shock feeling alive and aware for the first time in a while.

The best he could do was nod, Taehyung's mother noticed he seemed to be in distress, so she just let Jimin inside. Jimin walked into Taehyung's room, Tae was beyond confused on what was going on. "Jimin? You didn't say you were coming, wassup?" Tae asked Jimin.

"Tae... I don't know Tae; I just was thinking then suddenly I got some realization of what was going on in my life then I thought about Yoongi and realized yeah, he gave me happiness but in the wrong way. Now I am realizing I don't even love him, and I have been bullying people for an unhealthy obsession!!" Jimin exclaimed to Taehyung.

Taehyung got up to close his door then went back to Jimin and gave him a long hug while Jimin broke down. "Hey Jimin, it's okay, everything will be fine, just try to stay with me okay, tell me everything, how you feel," Taehyung calmly saying to his best friend.

"Tae, I always thought I loved Yoongi and I bullied everyone near him because I thought I loved him and he needed to love me, now that I look back at it, it was just me obsessing over someone who gave me a happy feeling after so long! Also, Jungkook... Tae... I think I like him." Jimin ranted out.

"Jungkook?!?!? You like Jungkook? You have been bullying him for so long and you like him?" Taehyung was in disbelief, Jimin was as well. "I know Tae! But admiring him from afar, he's kind of cute and funny! Also charming, but it is weird because he isn't my type at all!" Jimin said.

"Well, Jimin, it's not too late to stop bullying him and apologize to well EVERYONE," Taehyung told him. "I can't! I can't let anyone know that I like Jungkook, and well if I stop suddenly, people will still hate me!" Jimin was just so stressed. "Okay Jimin listen, if you stop now, apologize, maybe people will give you a second chance, and as for Jungkook.... maybe give him a chance even if he isn't your type."

Jimin couldn't believe the words he was hearing, "Tae, I got to go, thank you for hearing me out but I need to be alone." Jimin said and with that he left Taehyung alone in his room. He walked by some convenience store and decided to get some strawberry milk to calm him down.

He walked by an empty park until he saw a group of people. He would usually ignore anything, but this looked suspicious to him. He walked towards the group of people quietly, once he got close enough to make out the people, he saw it was a group of older men surrounding.... Jungkook?!?!

"Dude, just come with us we got food, alcohol, cigarettes, kids like you like stuff like this these days, don't you? Stop being stubborn, I know you want too," Jimin overheard one of the older guys saying to Jungkook. "I don't want to, I already said no, now leave me alone," Jungkook shouted and turned around to walk the other way.

Jimin then saw as one of the older men grabbed Jungkook's arm harshly, "You aren't going anywhere." That is when Jimin knew he had to help Jungkook, Jimin ran up to the 4 men and punched the one who forced Jungkook to go with them. "Don't touch him," Jimin said seriously.

Jungkook was scared to do anything, he either would get beaten or taken by these men, so he stood still. He saw as Jimin beat the shit out of these 4 men alone, once Jimin was done, he walked up to Jungkook. "You good?" He asked Jungkook. "Oh, uh yeah," Jungkook was so shocked that Jimin was being genuine with him.

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