Aizawa's adventures in babysitting(mha)

Start from the beginning

Once he was done, he walked back to the living room and saw that All Might had taken charge of the situation. He had pulled out a coloring book and some crayons and was trying to distract the other two littles from their crying. As Aizawa sat down on the couch with Iida in his lap, he couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, he was starting to get the hang of this babysitting thing, that is until he heard screaming and crying coming from his room. "Don't worry i'm on it!" Toshinori exclaimed running towards the bedroom.

The other littles we're watching cartoons in Aizawa's bedroom, they were watching miraculous ladybug and chat noir until it went off. This caused an argument to erupt as half of them wanted to watch Sofia the first but the other half wanted to watch SpongeBob. They started screaming loudly at each other but then everyone stopped when Shigaraki hit Kaminari so hard it caused him to fall off the bed. "Owie y-you meanie m' tellin on you" Kaminari sniffled going to get all might only to look over and see him standing in the doorway. "He hit me!!" Kaminari said running over to Toshinori.

When all might asked Shigaraki what happened he started screaming, crying and flailing around. "IT WAS HIS FWAULT I DIDN'IT DO IT HE'S A STOOPID BUTT FWACE" he screamed loudly fist just barely missing twice's head. "Young man that is no way to act I suggest you stop this unruly behavior now or I will call your caregiver" All might said grabbing him to prevent him from hitting anyone.

"FWUCK YOU OLD MAN" Shigaraki yelled thrashing around in all might's arms. "Young man that kind of language is unacceptable it's timeout for you" all might said sternly. "NO I HATE YOU I HATE YOU" he screeched as he was placed in the timeout corner. "Now who wants a snack?" He asked the others. "Me!! Me!!" They all shouted excitedly jumping up and down. And after seeing them all leave the room without him Shigaraki started to cry and wail loudly but, stayed in the corner.

Meanwhile Iida and Deku had fallen asleep on the couch and Toga was coloring a picture in her princess coloring book. All Might quickly whipped up some snacks and brought them out to the living room for the littles to enjoy. Toga happily munched on some animal crackers while she finished coloring her masterpiece. After a few minutes Toshinori got up to check on Shigaraki, who had stopped crying and was quietly sitting in the timeout corner. He walked over to him and kneeled down to his level. "Hey, are you okay?" Allmight asked gently. He looked up at him with tear-filled eyes and nodded. "m' sowwy for hittin' Kami," he whispered. "I'm not the one you need to apologize to," he replied. "Hitting is not the way to solve problems. We need to use our words and talk about our feelings instead." Shigaraki nodded again, still sniffling. Allmight patted him on the back and stood up. "Now i'll let you leave timeout if you apologize to Kaminari" All Might said. Shigaraki smiled and nodded. "Ya, otay!" he replied loudly getting to his feet.

Shigaraki walked over to Kaminari still sniffling, nervous as Kami tilted his head down, a little bit concerned. "m' sowwy," he apologized to Kami who smiled and hugged him. "Is okay buh' jus' don' do it agwain" he responded. Shigaraki nodded, relieved that he had forgiven him. All Might watched from a distance, pleased with how the situation had been resolved.

As the littles finished their snacks, All Might suggested they play a game of hide-and-seek. The idea was met with enthusiastic nods and excited cheers. All Might explained the rules and the littles scattered to find hiding spots. Toga giggled as she hid behind the curtains, peeking out to see if anyone was coming to find her. Iida had crawled under the coffee table and was trying to stifle his giggles. Deku had found a spot behind the armchair and was trying his best to stay quiet. Shigaraki, still feeling a little guilty about hitting Kaminari, had chosen a spot near the timeout corner. While Kaminari and Ojiro hid in the closet.

All Might counted to ten before starting the search. He went from room to room, checking under beds and behind doors. As he walked past the timeout corner, Shigaraki popped out with a loud "BOO!" causing All Might to jump in surprise. The littles all burst into laughter, including All Might who couldn't help but chuckle at the unexpected scare. As the game continued, the littles took turns being "it" and searching for their friends. Even Aizawa joined in, surprising the littles with his ability to find the best hiding spots. Eventually, the game came to an end and All Might declared Toga the winner, who cheered in excitement. "I winned!! Yay I winned!!"

The littles all clapped and congratulated Toga on her victory. All Might then suggested they watch a movie together. They all agreed and settled on watching "Toy Story", a favorite among the littles. They snuggled up with blankets and pillows, munching on popcorn and sipping on juice boxes as they watched the movie. Toga, who was still buzzing from her hide-and-seek win, would occasionally shout out the lines of the characters, causing everyone to laugh. "I'm Buzz Lightyear!!" she screamed running around the room pretending to fly.

As the movie came to an end, half of the littles had fallen asleep and the other half looked as though they were about to as well. All Might glanced over at the clock before jumping up quietly exclaiming, "it's almost time for young Iida and young Midoriya's mom to come get them" causing the half-asleep pair to whine and protest that they weren't ready to leave yet. All Might smiled at their reluctance to go home, knowing that it was a sign that they had enjoyed playing with their friends. "Maybe we can have another playdate soon," All Might suggested, ruffling Deku's hair affectionately. "We can do more fun activities like today." The littles nodded eagerly, their eyes bright with excitement at the thought of another playdate. All Might helped them gather their belongings and put on their shoes before rushing them to the car, so they could drive back to the dorms where their mom Uraraka would be.

Meanwhile, the other littles had all fallen asleep, all tuckered out from playing. Aizawa smiled at the site of them all cuddled up together, it reminded him of his high school days. Falling asleep after a long day of training, his friends claiming they weren't tired but falling asleep shortly afterwards and waking up in the morning all cuddled up together. Aizawa smiled as he looked over at Kaminari, who was sleeping soundly on Ojiro's lap.

Meanwhile, All Might and the two littles drove back to the dorms where they found Uraraka waiting for them. She smiled as the littles ran up to her, telling her all about the fun they had with their friends. All Might explained that they had played hide-and-seek and watched a movie together, and suggested that they plan another playdate soon. Uraraka agreed, thanking All Might for taking care of the littles and organizing the playdate. She could see that they had a great time, and she was glad that they were able to spend time with their friends.

Idk what else to write so I guess this is the end.

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