A Different Maze (Part 2)

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I was moving somewhere. I was in some kind of elevator or cage. It was quickly pulling me upwards as creatures I didn't recognize screeched from around me. I tried to think about what they could be, but nothing came to mind.

It was then that I realized that was a literal sense. I don't even know my name. I don't know my family, my friends, my likes, my dislikes, my past, or even what I look like.

"Help! Get me out! Whoever put me here I'm going to kill you! I'm going to rip your head off!"I yelled, banging on the metal. It did no good as I was still moving upwards fast enough to make my head spin. I wasn't going to quit though. Not while I was still breathing.

"Let me out! Let me out before I murder you! I'll slit your throat! I'll pull your eyes out! Just let me go!"I continued yelling.

All of a sudden the box lurched me backwards. I stumbled to the ground when something caught my eye. A knife.

I grabbed it as the box opened. It filled with light. Standing above me were a bunch of teenage boys.

"We need someone to help get Greenie,"One of them called. I don't know who Greenie is, and I wasn't sticking around to find out. I pulled myself out and tackled the first person I saw to the ground. They screamed as I put the knife to their throat.

"Who are you, and what did you do to me?!"I screamed in his face. The boy just looked at me wide-eyed and terrified.

"Tell me or I'll stab you!"I hissed, grabbing the boys arm. Behind me a bunch of others were screaming at me to stop. Before they could come close I leapt off the current boy and pointed the knife at them.

"Listen Greenie. We're not going to hurt-"
"Cut the crap. What do you want with me? Why did you put me here you psycho?"

"Psycho? You're pointing a bugging knife at us. Just calm down, and put the weapon away. We can talk about this,"The blonde haired boy coaxed. My eyes glanced over to see an open space leading into a narrow concrete hall. I don't know how, but something tells me I know a thing or two about those.

"Do you promise?"I asked, keeping my voice a soft whisper.

"Promise. Just let us explain."

"Okay. I can do that,"I responded, pretending I was quivering with fear. I slowly went to put the knife down as I watched for their reaction. He seemed to have calmed down. Satisfied with this I picked it up and bolted to the random walls. There was more screaming behind me, but I ignored it. My heart pounded in my chest, but I didn't let up.

I made it past the doors as they just kept yelling that I couldn't go in there. I ignored them as I turned a corner. The problem was that I turned right into a person. They slammed to the ground. Before they could say anything I held the knife to their neck.

"Don't try anything. Do you understand?"I said through gritted teeth.

"A girl? Why are you a girl?"He asked slowly. I scowled at the boy.

"Why are you asking me such dumb questions? Who are you, and why did you put me here?"I repeated. He just looked at me confused before casually pushing my knife away. He rolled away from my weapon and stood up.

"Listen Greenie. I wish I could say I put you here so I knew how to get out. Unfortunately, you're another unlucky sucker who's stuck here. I'm sure you have the Glader's a scare so at least don't point the knife at them. I'm sure you're probably still afraid so you don't have to put it up. Just don't gut anyone."

My arms were shaking as I narrowed my eyes at him. He seemed genuine. I cautiously put the weapon to my side.

"That's much better. Let's go Greenie. Something tells me you'll be the talk of the town."

♡ Time Skip♡

I was sitting in the cafeteria with the other Glader's. Everything we had gone through was unimaginable. There were almost none of us left.

Still, we were safe now. Everything was going to be okay, and if for some reason it wasn't we would be there for each other. That's what family is for.

I rolled my eyes at something Minho said when Newt tapped me on the shoulder. I looked to see him pointing at someone. Standing in front of me was a boy with a striped hoodie. He had bright blue eyes and the biggest smile I had ever seen.

"Hi,"I greeted slowly. I was shocked as he tightly wrapped his arms around me.

"You made it. I told them you were alive. None of the Icers believed me, but I knew I'd see you one day,"He rambled.

"I think you have me mistaken for someone else,"I said, looking at him with sorrow. It must hurt to be told that when you're so excited to see someone.

"What? No. Y/N, you remember me. It was always you and I. We're a team. Remember?"He asked, his eyes begging for me to say something.

"I'm sorry. I think you're talking about a different Y/N."

"I'm not. You went out in the Maze one day and didn't come back. I found your skates though and your bag. They had your name and handwriting so they couldn't be anyone else's. I helped you pack it that day. You told me goodbye before you left. We traded out usual I love you's, and that was that. Remember?"

"I'm really sorry. I don't know you, and I've definitely never told anyone I loved them before going on a run."

"Run? No. You skate. You have to remember. I'm Aris, and there's Sonya and Harriet. There was someone named Beth that nobody liked. We were in the Spring."

"Look, I don't know you. I'm sorry that you think I do. Maybe it's just a reaction to everything that's happened. I'm sure you've been through a lot,"I said softly. Normally, I'd be irritated, but I couldn't find it in my heart to be like that. He seemed so sincere and broken.

"You don't remember,"He repeated slowly, his voice cracked.

"I'm not the Y/N you're looking for, but I hope you find her. Good luck Aris,"I said gently. He swallowed a lump in his throat as his eyes shined with tears.

"She doesn't remember,"He uttered, turning around and walking back to his table. I watched as he put his hood up, his head down, and his shoulders started shaking. It was clear he was crying but trying to hide it.

"That was strange,"Minho remarked.

"Poor Aris. I hope he finds the right Y/N. He just looks so devastated,"I responded, still looking at him. He subtly wiped his eyes.

As he did I saw something on his hand. Written in black smudged ink were the words

I love you. I'll see you when I get back.

The thing that was unique about it wasn't the message itself. It was the fact that the handwriting matched mine.

Maybe there was more to this story than I thought.

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