A Different Maze (Part 1)

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I always come out of the Maze on time. My life depends on it. No matter how much pain I'm in I skate like no one has ever skated before.

Not tonight though. One mistake, one accident, almost certainly killed me. One of my laces was untied. Before I noticed it got caught in my skate, and I hit my head on the ice. I ended up laying there unconscious for a good few hours. By the time I woke up I only had three minutes to get back. Despite being on the complete other side of the Spring I refused to give up. I pushed myself faster than I ever had before.

As expected it wasn't enough. The doors closed, and I was trapped there. To make it worse the Griever's can fly so there weren't exactly many hiding places.

Still, I hadn't gone through all this hell to just accept death with open arms. I decided I could keep myself low on top of the walls. So I set my skates on the ground and began my transcend up the wall. Even though it was covered in snow there were vines hanging down.

I grabbed hold and forced myself up. Several Beetle Blades skitted past me as I did which made the pang of fear in my chest impossible to ignore. If they were spying on me they knew where to send their Greivers.

I tried not to let that throw me off as I kept climbing. There were many instances where the ice on the vines pulled me down, sometimes to the bottom.

That wasn't going to stop me though. I started over, twisting and turning my body to get the right position to prevent myself from falling. Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead, but I wasn't planning on dying or getting stung tonight.

After what seemed like forever I made my way to the top. I carefully crouched to the ground.

All of a sudden something that has never happened before started happening. The walls weren't just moving. They were splitting open directly where I was. I frantically tried to scramble down, but just as I grabbed hold of the vine I was submerged into darkness.

I felt myself falling into what seemed like nothingness. Would I really die by falling to death? How did this happen? Why did this happen? So many questions would never be answered as I'd take my last breath.

I closed my eyes and waited for the harsh impact. Instead, I landed on something soft and fluffy. I tried to stand up, but the force of something unknown was keeping me down. The world was still nothing but darkness, and no amount of squinting was helping.

Then, the brightest light I've ever seen started to shine. I put my hand in front of my face to see a computer screen. In the middle was a woman. Her hair was tied back in a neat bun, and she wore a lab coat with the words WCKD plastered on it. This was what had been written on random sections of the wall.

I was seeing the face of the Creator.

"Hello. The first thing I'd like to do is congratulate you for making it this far. No one has ever shown such passion and determination to live when they were kept there overnight. That's why you have been chosen for something special. When I am gone you will see two buttons. The green one will kill you. You'll never have to live another day trapped behind walls. The red one will send you to a completely different Maze. You will never see your friends again. Instead, you will make new ones. You will start anew. Good luck Y/N. Choose your fate, but choose carefully. There may be more than you think to them."

The woman disappeared with a clicking sound. As promised in front of me appeared two buttons.

The decision should be easy. After all, I had done everything I could to survive. Except, a huge part of the reason why was helping my friends figure out how to get out. If I left a piece of me would be missing.

If I left I would get to wake up tomorrow. I'd get to breathe, sleep, and maybe more. All I had to do was choose.

My hand hovered over the green one. No matter what I didn't want to live without them. They were the only reason I bothered to live. Without them I am nothing.

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