Chapter 13 : The Letter

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Sorry for the grammatical errors, it's my first time to write this kind of fan fiction, I don't know if it is right or not.


Your feedback/s could help me to improve my Writing Skills....Hahahaha

Sorry again for the grammatical errors.........

12:00 P.M in the afternoon, Krist woke up with aching body.He stretch his body slowly and carefully.Krist took a deep breath and face his left side.Singto's sleeping face appeared to him, Krist smiled and just looked at Singto. He just stopped when he remembered what happened.

"Yes." Krist said.

"Yes?". Singto cluelessly asked. "Yes about?".

"You said perfect time is not what we expect but the person we least expect will come at the right time."

"What's your point?".

"What if in this situation is not the right time or perfect time but the person in front of you is the right person.What will you do? Do you think what will happen?".

"Hmm........ If you're not that person I think he and I will sleep together,I am his one night stand."

"What if I am that person?".

"You're my one night stand." Singto seriously said while moving his eyes. "Though, you're not.......... You disgusted it very much, it's true were already kissed but sex? I don't think so."

"Yes,I disgusted it very much but now, I don't think so. So shall I ?".

"Shall I what? What's with the YES?".

" Actually I don't want to do this, but for you I will,I don't want you be endanger,you said you don't like sleeping around,you don't like when other people touch you and explore you."

"So? Are you going to sleep with me?".

"We're not lovers nor friends.......just stranger with circumstances. You want to release it,right? Release it with me?". Krist said in his normal manner.Is he really willing to sleep with Singto? Or he has a plan or something? He disgusted it but why he want to do it? Singto laughed a bit because of what Krist said.

"You bastard! Mr. Cute Police Mask."

"How about you? Mr. Rude Suspect, Do you dare? Because I dare! I want to fight!". Krist said.


"Tch! We're not lovers nor friends,just stranger with circumstances..........why the hell I said that?! And why the hell I slept with him at the first place?! " . He asked himself and slowly sit on the bed. "Sex with a man like me?". Krist looked at Singto's sleeping face. "Innocent face but dangerous in this damn bed.Shia!!".  Krist is about to leave the bed but he suddenly double sight seeing Singto's upper left breast. "Is it a mark? Did I mark him? .............sleep well Singto." Krist get up and pick his clothes.After that,he leave Singto in the room. After a couples of minutes,Krist already done fixing his self and ready to start his real Intention.He went to second floor— Singto's secret office. "Okay,nothing special,start with the plan." Krist went to Singto's table and open the cabinet.The box is still there and the letter? Yes, it's still there, the letter with the blood. "A letter with a blood? And a ring? He's account was already deactivated,whose the poor girl are you going to marry back then?". Krist sit down in the chair and start reading the letter.

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