Chapter 12

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Faith's Pov

The next few days were crazy; there was two days of the sun being out meaning the kids were not at school; but the rest they were at school. I remember the first day that they were not there Jessica and her lackeys came up to me going on and on about how I need to stay away from them and that they were going to be in the family one way or another. I told Carlisle this and he started laughing and knowing the kids could hear everything they started laughing it took them a couple of minutes to calm down and talk.

The kids were all spending time at my house after school and they didn't leave until my dad got home, you could tell that my dad loves them he just does not know how much he does, he even met Carlisle and likes him also. When I asked Carlisle why did he want to meet my dad he said 'because sooner or later he is going to know that we are dating' and he has a good point because sooner or later I will have to tell my dad that I am dating Carlisle. Today is luckily Friday and I was told that they will be having guests from Alaska that's like family to them and Carlisle wants me to meet them.

"Hey" Alice said

"Hey Alice" I replied back

"How are you?" she asked me

"Good ready for today to be over with, hey I was thinking would it be okay if my dad comes along?" I asked

"I don't see a problem with it but you may want to ask dad" she whispered I started texted Carlisle

Hey you wouldn't mind if I invite my dad along do you?

No baby I don't mind.

Thank you

You're welcome

We didn't text long because he was at work and I was at school learning and I didn't want anyone other than the kids knowing about it, I figured I would tell my dad before we went over to the house. When I told the kids what I was going to do; they were behind me one hundred percent, the rest of the day went without anything bad happening I am surprised that Jessica and her lackeys have stayed away from me, but I believe it's just because the Cullen's are near me that they don't want to do anything, they have came near me to the point where they were going to harm me but Rosalie put them in their place to say that was funny would be an understatement seeing as how Jessica looked like she was going to pee herself.

"Well, I am going to go home and we will see you in a few hours" I tell the kids after school

"Okay mom, if you need help just call one of us and we will help you" Edward said hugging me the rest following

I went home and waited for dad to come in; it was just after six that he came walking in the house I waited for him to put everything up before talking to him about going over the Cullen's.

"Hey dad" I said

"Hey Faith, how was school?" he asked

"It was good, hey dad I need to tell you something" I tell him

"What is it Faith?" he asked sitting down

"Remember how I had been acquiring bruises and broken bones?" I asked

"Yes, and I know you will tell me in your own time" he tells me

"Well, I haven't been falling down; I have been getting beat up and picked on at school" I tell him seeing his face turn red

"Tell me everything please" he pleads

"Well it happened a few days after I started school; this girl names Jessica kept calling me worthless, saying that my dad never wanted me and she called me a bitch, she has had her lackeys help her beat me up, I have had times that my clothes had got torn up milk has been spilled on me and I have kept trying to stay away from them but they have always found me no matter where I have been" I tell him

"Baby girl, why not tell anyone?" he asked

"I was afraid" I told him ashamed of myself

"Faith, you shouldn't be afraid, and none of what she said true, I always wanted you" he told me getting up from his chair hugging me

"Hey dad do you want to go to the Cullen's?' I ask him

"Sure" he said getting up and going to his room and changed out of his uniform

Once he came down; he got in cruiser while I got in my truck when I first questioned why not take one he said just in case I wanted to stay the night I then understood and we headed to the house, I did have some problems getting there but I called Carlisle and he helped me get to the house. Once we got there and got out of the cars dad had his mouth open in shock, we headed inside the house I then noticed a man with his arms around a woman and three girls sitting down,

Charlie's Pov

When Faith told me what has been happening to her I wanted to go find the girl and the friends and arrest them but I knew that my baby girl didn't want anything like that to happen she has a kind heart. She asked me if I wanted to go to the Cullen's house I couldn't help but feel excited to see the house, the kids have been talking about it a lot when they were over at the house. When I saw it I didn't think it was a house I thought a mansion would best describe it; we walked in and I stood next to Bells.

"Hey Charlie" Carlisle said

"Hey Carlisle" I greeted back

"Let me introduce you to some family" he said guiding us in, I couldn't help but notice he was closer to Faith

"This is Eleazar and his wife Carmen, their kids Tanya, Irina, and Kate" he said pointing to them all but when he got to Tanya I couldn't look away

"Hello" she said her voice sounding like bells

"Hello" I said feeling my face heat up

Apparently I have been staring at her for too long because I didn't notice that my baby girl was holding hands with Carlisle and the kids were all around them. I couldn't help but notice something was off on everything so I decided to voice my questions.

"What's going on here?" I asked pointed to Carlisle and Faith.

"There are things that's hard to explain Charlie, but know this I love your daughter" Carlisle said

"You love me?" my daughter asked tearing up

"Yes, I do" he said looking into her eyes with so much love

"Okay, then tell me why am I feeling a slight pull?" I asked

"Where is the pull leading you to?" the guy Eleazar asked

"Tanya" I said

"Tanya, walk over to Charlie" he said

I watched as she walked over to me and I noticed the pull was still there but not apparent, I looked at her and she put her hand on my cheek, I started feeling little electric shocks on my cheek so after a couple seconds I turned and looked at everyone.

"Well I guess you got your wish my love" Carlisle told Faith.

He then explained to me that they are vampires but they don't drink from humans; it was Carlisle's idea to keep their humanity and to be around humans, Carlisle then explained the pull to me was the pull of mates. Carlisle told me that he is my baby girl's mate and that the kids see her as their mom, when he told me that I was surprised, I then asked him why did I feel a family pull to the kids also he told me that pull is saying that I see them as grandkids, to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"So you wouldn't hurt my Faith?" I asked him feeling Tanya put her hand on my arm and purr

"No sir, I couldn't hurt her if I wanted to. Which I don't want to hurt her" he said pulling her close to him

We sat down talking about everything, I promised them I wouldn't tell anyone their secret and they were happy about that. Eleazar, Carmen and the girls had to talk about what is going to happen with everything; after a while they came up with an idea of letting Tanya stay here with the Cullen's so she can stay near me so we don't hurt.

Faith's Pov

I couldn't be happier that my dad finally knew about the Cullen's; they did say that he couldn't know what they are unless he was mated, when I saw that he was staring at Tanya I smiled knowing that my dad would be finally happy without mom. I could tell at first that dad was not happy that Carlisle and I were close but after a while he understood, my dad deserves happiness.

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