Chapter 10

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Faith's Pov

The last thing I could remember from the night before is that the Cullen's are vampires and that I am mated to the dad last night. When I woke up I felt arms around me; I turned around and looked at Carlisle as he told me to call him, I felt him pull me closer to him and start to purr then; I remembered my dad

"Oh no... My dad" I said

"Don't worry, he knows that you are here" he told me kissing my temple

"He didn't seem upset did he?" I asked him

"No, to be honest he sounded ecstatic" Alice said bouncing in the room with the others following

"So if I get the part that I am you guy's mom, then can your father and I have privacy?" I asked them

"Sure" they said smiling walking out of the room

"Your father and I?" Carlisle teased

"What?" I asked

"I like it" he said kissing my temple

We talked for hours about everything; he told me that I will be the one to set the pace on how far we go and he told me that the kids have been longing to have a mother figure in their life's; he told me that Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett's mother were not really a mother to them, Edward's mom didn't know anything of her son's life, Rosalie's mom just cared if she married a wealthy man, and Emmett's mom was basically an alcoholic and she never really cared for Emmett at all. He then told me that Esme had gotten pregnant and when she delivered the baby it died so Esme wanted to end her life and tried to kill herself so he changed her, Alice and Jasper they came along already vampire's years later.

An hour later we headed downstairs so I can get something to eat and so we can talk about everything, when we got downstairs we saw them sitting around watching TV, they saw us and turned the TV off and waited for us to get back into the living room; when Carlisle led me to the kitchen I saw a beautiful kitchen, there was something on the table I took the cover off and looked at it my mouth watered slightly at the smell of a hamburger. Once I was done eating we headed into the living room.

"Okay, so we talked" I said causing them to look with anticipation

"Well?" Alice asked

"I want to ask a question first, and I want you to answer honestly and one at a time" I told them

"We will" they said at the same time

"Why do you want me as your mom?" I asked them

"Well, it would be nice to have a mom that shows us that they are there for all of us." Esme said

"It would be awesome to see someone cares besides our dad" Emmett said smiling

"I think it would be wonderful to see the family completed" Alice said

"It would be nice have someone that loves us for us" Rosalie replied

"Well, I think I would like you for our mom because you have compassion in you" Jasper said

"I think I will speak for everyone; that we already love you as our mom, no one can say otherwise you are compassionate, understanding and forgivable" Edward said

"Well, if I am going to be here half the time, what am I going to say to my dad?" I asked everyone

That seemed to get them thinking because after I voiced that question they became quiet I could see them talking or something but you really was not able to see or hear anything with the rate of them talking, so I sat back on the couch and closed my eyes waiting for them to come up with a conclusion on what is going to happen.

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