Chapter 2

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Faith's POV

Wednesday came faster than I thought it would; so here I am heading to Forks High School, when I was going to school in Arizona I only had one friend I guess you could say that we were on the same level we were not popular she lived with her dad and stepmom while her mom was in Florida; while I lived with my mom and stepdad while my dad lived in Forks Washington. I did see my dad at least two weeks in the summer while my friend has not seen her mom since she was four but she did get letters, phone calls. We didn't wear the latest fashions or went shopping like other's did we wore comfortable clothes and we were happy, we didn't need to have the latest fashion to make other's leave us alone; they wouldn't of anyways.

I walked in the school building headed towards the front office to get my schedule for the day, when I got into the office there was a lady with frizzy red hair, the name plate saying that she is Mrs. Cope.

"Can I help you dear?" she asked

"Yes ma'am, I am here to pick up my schedule my name is Faith Swan" I told her

"Ah, yes Chief's daughter" she said smiling

"Yes ma'am" I said softly

"Just a minute dear" she told me

After a couple of minutes from clicking on the computer she gave me my schedule, a map and a piece of paper that I needed to return at the end of the day, when I left the office I looked at my schedule to see what I have first.

1st period—Calculus- Mr. Varner 501

2nd period— Gym- Couch Clapp

3rd period—History- Mr. Jefferson 490

4th period—Spanish- Mrs. Golf 415


5th period—AP Biology- Mr. Banner 498

6th period— English- Mr. Mason 500

I looked at the time and noticed I had ten minutes before class started so I decided to head to class; when I got to the classroom I noticed everyone was sitting in chairs while the teacher was at the blackboard; I went to the teacher and gave him the slip of paper, he signed it and told me to find a seat. I looked and saw there was seats at the back of the class that no one was sitting around and headed to the back of the classroom; I listened to the teacher till the bell rang and I headed to gym doing the same thing and was told to sit down for the day.

I have had a few people come up to me but the way they have come up to me was just to say a quick 'welcome' to the school; but other than that nothing else, the rest of the day has been like that now I am heading to lunch which I don't eat that much at school to try keep down the minimum of insults those never worked out much when I got into the lunch room everyone became quiet and stares at me, I got into line to get the food, when I got my food and paid for it I walked towards the empty table and sat down eating when I heard my phone beep.

Hey Faith, how's school going for you? Amber

To be expected; I am just waiting on being picked on at this school. F

Faith, you may not be picked on at that school unlike here; when I am here and still being picked on I wish they would understand that we are who we are. Amber

I know but when I walked into the cafeteria everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me like I was from another planet. F

Well I can't really say much considering that I have been pushed and everything since you have been gone :( Amber

I wouldn't put it past it being bad here, but the bell just rang so I will talk to you when I get home. Faith

Okay, have fun. Amber

Biology was easy to understand; half the stuff the teacher will be going over I have done already so when I told him that when he got to my work station he then told me that he will get me set up for at least college level biology, I reluctantly agreed. Once Biology was done I headed to my last class when I got in there I walked over to the teacher and handed her my slip with her telling me to find a seat.

"Tenemos un nuevo estudiante en la actualidad. Todos son bienvenidos Faith Swan" Mrs. Golf said

There was muttering around the classroom I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment and attention.

"Sí, señora. He tomó tres años de español en mi vieja escuela" I told her

"Excelente, vamos a empezar." She said turning to the blackboard

School finally ended; the whole class period I basically got stared at with them talking to each other, I know it was about me but I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing that they are talking about me. I headed home to start homework then get dinner ready for dad when he comes home.

Once I was done with my homework, I put my headphones in and turned my iPod on and headed downstairs to make dinner for us; I decided to make fettucini alfredo. I was stirring the sauce when my favorite song came on.

If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle
A mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore
Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me
Well sentence me to another life
Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same (no)
We're not the same (no)
Oh we're not the same
Yeah the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)
It's good (hey)
It's good
Well you treat me just like another stranger

Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person but you can't take it
The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won't get you anywhere
I'm not the same kid from your memory
Well now I can fend for myself

I finished the sauce; and I start on the noodles looking at the time seeing I have about ten minutes before dad gets home from work.
Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same (no)
We're not the same (no)
Oh we're not the same
Yeah we used to stick together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)
It's good (hey)
It's good
Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

Just as the song has ended I got finished with the noodles; I noticed that I have three minutes to spare before dad comes home so I head up to my room to put my iPod up; just as I reached the bottom of the stairs the front door opens and dad walked through the door.

"Something smells good Faith" my dad commented

"That's the Fettucini Alfredo" I told him

"That sounds good" he said walking into the kitchen and getting a plate

Once we both had a plate we sat down at the table and started eating; talking here and there with dad asking me how was school, did I make a friend I told him that it was only my first day there after that he got quiet. Once supper was done I headed up to take a shower and got to sleep.

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