Chapter 5

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Faith's POV

I have one more day to prepare for the new kids; I just wish they wouldn't pick on me like the other's do, I really don't want to go back to the hospital but knowing the kids at the school they will send me right back there with no care in the world. I texted Amber telling her there will be new students at school tomorrow, she called me giving me words of support and comfort; I don't know where I will be without her. After I got off the phone; I laid down on the bed wondering what my life would be like after tomorrow.

I woke up to the rain at six o' clock; I heard dad's cruiser leave, I let out a sigh wishing I could stay home but I know I would have to face them anyways. When I got to school luckily I was the only one there and I went inside the building towards my class and decided to sit down and wait for everyone to show up. About thirty minutes later everyone was piling in the classroom. There was one of the Cullen kids in my third period; he looked to be six three with wavy blonde hair, I knew I was not allowed to show interest in the new kids.

Lunch time rolled around; I got my lunch and sat down at my table hoping to not attract anyone, my wish went unanswered when Jessica and her lackeys came over to me hitting my head, I knew today was going to be awful.

Carlisle's POV

I was twenty-three when I was turned therefore I am three hundred and sixty-two years old; I am mate less I have six adoptive kids. I changed Edward in 1918 when the Spanish influenza hit; I changed Esme when she tried to kill herself by jumping off a cliff. Rosalie was next when I found her on the streets lying there dying; I changed Emmett when Rosalie brought him to me when he was being mauled by a bear, Alice and Jasper came to us years later wanting to be vegetarian.

We moved back to Forks; we figured it would be wonderful that we had a change in scenery plus Alice said that we are needed in Forks, why she never told me but everyone looks like they are keeping a secret from me I couldn't help but try to figure it out. I am on my way to Forks Hospital for my first day of work and the kids are all at school.

"Good Morning Dr. Cullen" the front nurse said

"Morning" I said heading towards my office.

I got to work on my day just hoping everything will go good at school for the kids, the kids have felt sadden for the fact that they are motherless and that I am mate less. They all wish to be loved.

Edward's POV

I was seventeen when I was changed; I never regretted being changed, I did have a fall out and killed innocent humans a couple of years after I was turned. When Alice had a vision that our dad's mate and our mom would be in Forks, we asked everyone while dad was at work if they would come hunting with us in case dad showed up home early. When we got far enough in the woods Alice and I told them of the vision to say everyone was ecstatic would be an understatement everyone was asking questions after questions; like 'what does she look like?', 'what is she like?' everything was fast luckily were vampires or we would have caught the questions. We told them that all we know is that she has brown long hair, we couldn't see anything else, but we would know who it was when we see her.

We got to school; we parked on the far side of parking lot and headed inside to get this day over with but also to see if we can maybe find our mom here. Alice looked at all our schedules and seen who was with who for the whole day, I headed to my first class having other people's thoughts in my head I tried zoning them out but that really didn't work out well. It was lunch time and we went to sit over at an empty table with our props in front of us looking around for the pull that I have felt all day.
Emmett's POV

I don't remember much of my human life; but I could never be happier then I am now I have a loving family and a mate, let me take that back I want a mom, it's just my brothers, sisters, mate and dad. Dad is the oldest out of us all but he doesn't have a mate; I know he is lonely but he puts on an act saying that he doesn't need anyone else to make him happy but we all know that isn't true.

We are at school in Forks, We have decided to move here when Alice had a vision, but some of us wanted to go just after she had the vision, she stopped us of course saying that it is not the right time yet, well I am happy that we are finally in Forks; I have felt a pull all day and I know it is not the mating pull but more of the mother-child pull you have, we are all at lunch and I thought to Edward that I have felt a pull and he nodded his head silently telling me he has felt the same, I looked around trying to find the source of the pull.

Jasper's POV

I couldn't handle all the emotions that I have been feeling all day, and some of them are mine I couldn't wait to find our mom; but all we had to go by was that she had brown hair and that we would feel a mother-child pull towards her. When I got into History I felt the pull increase but didn't know who it was pulling me towards quite yet. We are now at lunch and we are all looking around for our mom, I look over to my brothers and I shrug my shoulders telling them I don't know yet.

Esme's POV

I will always be grateful to be living today; I have a family and a mate all we need is a mom, Alice's visions told her that our mom is in Forks, so we are here at school hoping to find our mom. I felt this pull but couldn't find the source of who it led to; so here we are sitting in the lunchroom hoping to find her I look around seeing a lot of brown hair figuring that this will take longer than we thought.

Rosalie's POV

I may be a bitch to everyone but that isn't really me; I am sad for the fact that our dad doesn't have a mate and we don't have a mom. I was so happy when we learned that dad's mate is in Forks, I tried running there to get to her and show her that I love her already, yeah I don't want humans to know what we are but if said human is our dad's mate then I would just be happy that he is happy. I have felt a pull in my fourth class; so I am sitting in lunch looking around trying to find our mom when I came up short asking everyone if they have found her they all shook their heads except for Alice, she was just looking off in space.

Alice's POV

I know I left a bunch of information out on what our mom looks like but that was because when I saw her she was in the hospital and I didn't want them to do something rash and mess it up, I still don't know our mom's name but I know she is compassionate. When I looked around slightly I found a girl with a brace on her arm and knew that this was our mom, but I blocked Edward out of my mind when I started to have a vision.


A girl sitting alone when all of a sudden a group of girls come over to the table pushing her a bit and started talking.

"So bitch, you didn't tell dad what we did, did you?" the girl sneered

"No" she whispered

"Good, you need to keep your mouth shut; besides no one would believe you. Oh stay away from the new kids, they don't want anything to do with you" she sneered getting up with her friends but not before slapping her

End vision

"No" I whispered

"What is it?" Edward asked

"Our mom" was all I said before the questions were coming at me full force.

"What about her? Where is she?" Rosalie asked just then hearing a slap sound

"There" I said causing everyone to growl

"What are we waiting for?" Emmett growled out standing up and going over to her.

We followed along slowly not to frighten her; when we got there we noticed everyone was staring and whispering to each other.

Faith's POV

I knew this day was not going my way just after Jessica and her 'friends' left the new kids came over and sat with me, they didn't talk for a few minutes.

"What?" I whispered

"You know you don't have to put up with that" the bronze haired one said

"Yeah, I do" I said looking around

"Why?" the blonde girl asked

"Why not? I tried to stand up for myself once that didn't turn out well" I said getting up throwing my trash away.

They followed behind me not saying a word but still there, I couldn't explain it I felt as if I needed to be near them but I don't know why. The rest of the day went uneventful except that the new kids followed me home after school, when I got in the house I went to work on my homework then supper.

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