"okay who told you Damon? I told Katherine"

"you shouldn't trust her with anything and of course she would tell everyone"

"is that why you all hate me? Because I slept with Klaus?"

"We don't hate you. But right now you're acting like a bitch"

I looked at Caroline as my phone started ringing so I took it up and Rebekah took my phone.

"Hey Nik where are you?"

"Little sister. I'm around town where are you and Tara?"

"They found her Nik"

"Rebekah is she with you? Did they take her?"

Klaus asked as he sounded worried

"yes she's beside me and we are at a dress shop so come"

she hung up and gave back my phone.

"Why did you take it?"

"I wanted to talk to my brother"

"enough shit chat about unimportant stuff, Tara just please come with us" Damon said

I chuckled

"what's so funny?" Damon asked

"you gonna beg me to follow you? You already know the answer-"

"the answers no" Rebekah said.

Klaus then came "hey is something wrong?"

Klaus asked them politely

"Klaus you were supposed to get her humanity back not make her more psycho"

"Damon, i don't take any orders, I make them"

"okay but Tara's coming with us"

Damon walked closer to me and Klaus stood in front of me smirking

"you really gonna manage to fight me?"

"Klaus you understand that we need her humanity back".

I stepped beside Klaus

"okay Damon, Stefan and Caroline just drive back to mystic falls"

"Tara you're not okay and you're unstable. You need to come back"

"Stefan you know why I'm not okay? I've lost my sister and when I don't have my humanity I feel alive and I don't wanna miss all the fun because I'm depressed"

Stefan walked closer to me "you need to come back. You're a ripper and no humanity. You do things you regret"

"Stefan calm down, we will come back to mystic falls soon" Klaus said

"Stefan you need to just let me go" I said.

They walked away.

It was next day and we were going to go back to mystic falls.

We sat in the car and started to drive

"well this was a really nice trip" I said

"yea it was" Rebekah said as she smiled.

It had now gone a while.

I looked back at Rebekah

"do you have any blood bags back there?"

She started looking "yea I found one....here"

I took it and opened as I drank.

When we came to mystic falls I walked to the Salvatore house and when I came in I saw Enzo

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