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ironically alive


I JUMPED OUT OF my nightmare disoriented but warm, which only added a layer to my confusion.

My head throbbed and I felt like throwing up. These awful nightmares are going to chase me down to the grave, it seems.

I sat a bit straighter, head in the palms of my hands trying to get myself to relax a bit. Yet, images of the man who I thought was my father plagued my existence and ruined my sleep even though he was far away now.

I was safe here. This is Vegas. No one can find you if you try hard enough. I tried to convince myself in vain as tremors shook me. Shit. How long was I going to let that man dictate my life?

I suddenly felt a hand against my shoulder, and as soon as my brain registered that touch a jolt of fright went through me. My instincts kicked in ; my hand wrapping the wrist tightly and pulling against the couch.

I only understood what I've just done when I was standing up again ; Nolan was on the couch, grabbing his wrist, eyes wide in shock.

"Shit. Are you alright? I didn't mean to hurt you. I- I was just surprised... didn't mean to." My voice faltered in the end. All that fake confidence evaporating as soon as I saw the look in his eyes. At this rate, even if I was their sister, they wouldn't want me around.

"It's okay.  I didn't mean to scare you." He assured, hand reaching to me. I tried not to flinch, a habit I acquired since every male person I encountered only ever wanted to hurt.

His touch settled gently on my forearm as he pulled me towards the couch next to him. "You were crying." He said matter of factly.

I hadn't noticed until he brought it up, the stream of tears on my cheeks. Surprised, I brought my hand and wiped my tears away, putting on my best smile- which wasn't good by any standards truthfully.

"I am alright."

He sighed and pulled his hand to him. He seemed confused about whether he should get closer or not. In the end, he retracted his hand. It was probably for the best.

I couldn't afford getting close to people who I hoped were my family only to get shunned in the end.

"Dinner's ready. Join me when you want."


When I woke up again, it was in a comfortable bed in a room that didn't belong to me. My first thought was that I was kidnapped then the events of yesterday came rushing back to me, and I relaxed a bit.

For the first time in forever, it wasn't a nightmare or the sounds of screams that woke me up but the chirping of birds, which was good as it gets.

Sitting up in the queen size bed, I tried to reflect upon last night's events.

Dinner sure was an awkward affair with me and Nolan sitting in the kitchen bar and eating carbonara like the good Italian he was. I might be  Italian too now, I guess.

Then after the tastiest dinner I've ever had, he lead me towards a room upstairs. It wasn't the floor where all their rooms are, theirs was on the second floor. I still was just a guest.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋Where stories live. Discover now