Chapter 17

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Kagome hid a giggle behind her hand.

Months ago, when Renge had made her first appearance in the host club, Kagome hadn't liked her. It was not because she perceived her as a zealous fangirl but because she was needlessly reckless, but now it all made sense.

Renge was a youkai!

Kagome only knew because after feeling a foreign youki, and a quick surveillance of her surroundings, she had come across Renge with the ears and tail of a Tanuki.

Now Kagome still wasn't a fan of Renge, but she could now understand why she was so careless and reckless- it was because she was a youkai and a sheltered one at that. Renge didn't pick up on social queues or understand personal boundaries and, from the looks of it, relied on artifacts to keep her aura unnoticeable and human-like.

But knowing what she did now, Kagome was finding it hard not to find the girl endearing. Her reactions were so animated and childlike. There was an innocence about her that was completely unexpected.

"What?! You've never drunk it before?" The twins exclaimed before shaking their heads in disappointment.

"I-I don't know," Renge admitted nervously.

Hikaru and Kaoru exchanged amused glances. "It's like the favorite drink for everyone in the Host Club right now," Hikaru explained. "So, as the manager, you have to drink it, too."

Renge nodded with uncertainty written all over her face, still not sure what they were talking about. "Ah, it's that, right? You know, the ones where the coffee beans have already been ground -"

But the Hitachiin twins interrupted her with a loud " Bzzt !" causing her to jump in surprise.

" Eek !" she squealed.

"That's ground coffee. This is completely different," Hikaru said, shaking his head. "I don't think there's a trace of coffee beans in instant coffee. You just boil the powder with hot water and drink it like that. Truly an amazing creation-"

"-because, even though it's coffee, it's not strong at all," Kaoru finished with a grin. "So it's basically just like coffee, but not as robust."

"And yet strangely satisfying." Hikaru hummed.

Kagome chuckled to herself before piping up, "Now that you mention it, we just ran out." Before the twins could even ask, she shot them a smile. "I'll be back with some more in a bit."

The twins grinned. " Have a safe trip! "

Kagome offered a smile, though she was quick to walk past them, anything to avoid the look in Kaoru's glowing eyes.



Sesshomaru: We should talk. I just got back from my trip.

Kagome paused, reading over the text. She'd been meaning to reach out for a while but wasn't sure how- it seemed he did it for her.

Doing her best to balance her shopping bags and phone, Kagome sent a quick reply, but as she went to put her phone away, she slipped. " Ah !"

Out of nowhere, a young lady catches Kagome in her arms. Kagome's face grew flush. There was something about this woman and the way she looked at her that made her heart flutter.

"It would be a shame if any harm came to you, miss." The young lady caresses Kagome's face.

"Thank you?"

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