Chapter 6

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Kagome sat quietly, her eyes looking over the pretend love letter, as other club members, minus Kyoya and Haruhi, stared intently at her with eager eyes. And probably for the third time, Kagome tried to find some semblance of a compliment for the males that had seemingly put a lot of thought into the letter.

Finally, she dropped the letter to the table; with a long deep breath and heavy sigh, she looked up into their expecting faces. "It's carp."

They drooped, heads falling in defeat.

"Kagome!" Tamaki cried, teary eyes looking at her pleadingly.

"I'm sorry, Tamaki-senpai but this letter comes off as more of a joke than a serious confession of love. Do you really think all girls think like this?" She sneered, feeling slighted in comparison. She then began to read it aloud, her voice monotone, conveying her annoyance. "...'I'm in love, love! From the first time I saw you, I've been head over heels in love!' And then you put in quotations "giggle." 'It's like my heart is stuck in a never-ending typhoon. All these feelings of love keep whipping around in my heart like the breaking waves! When the typhoon's rising waters come, I want to randevu with you on Noah's Ark! I do! I do!'..." she finished drily with a sneer before she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Women don't talk like that! Whatever! I'll write it!"

Grabbing the paper, Kagome left the room to work on an appropriate love confession.



With your departure to America approaching, I couldn't possibly let you leave without confessing my true feelings for you, Toru. Even if your heart belongs to another or you simply cannot return my feelings for your own reasons, I had to let you know that I love you. You may not know me or have noticed me, but from the moment I saw you, my heart has been yours and yours alone.

If you will have me, I promise to wait until you return.

I eagerly await your response.


It was a simple confession, lacking all the fluff the boys had written in their letter while still being tasteful and believable. But seeing as Kagome already looked pretty feminine even while pretending to be a guy, the club had decided on leaving Haruhi to be the bait for their little ruse.

Kagome, oddly enough felt every bit the gentleman on the night of the party. Kyoya provided her with a suit that fits perfectly while creeping her out that he had her measurements. It was a pale grey three-piece suit, the vest being navy which complimented the white shirt and emerald tie decorated in small pinpoint gold and red flowers. To finish her look, Kagome pooled her hair back into a loose bun; it made her look both relaxed while also dashingly handsome.

Half an hour into the party and the club went about executing their plan. Even though she thought they were overstepping with this elaborate plan to get, Toru Suzushima and Kanako Kasugazaki to admit their feelings to one another. She did find it touching how much Tamaki cared for everyone that crossed his path. He was naïve, but that's what made him so eager to make others happy, even at the expense of his own feelings.

Despite being apprehensive, Kagome found herself really enjoying the party. She danced and talked with several girls, doing her best to keep their guests suspicious, with several of the club members missing. When the time came, Kagome stood beside her clubmates, a smile pulling at her lips as she watched Tamaki's plan play out just as he had expected, with Toru chasing after Kanako and declaring his love for the girl.

Tamaki beamed as he proudly proclaimed to the ballroom and all their guests, his voice echoing in a dramatic fashion. "Let us bless this clumsy couple!" The room followed his statement by erupting into a round of applause.

"Tonight's dance queen is..." Hikaru started with a mischievous gleam that he shared with his brother.

Kaoru smiled as he joined Hikaru. "Princess Kasugasaki Kanako!" the two continued one after another.

"Well then, the blessing kiss from the king..."

Tamaki beamed, brightening at his self-proclaimed title. "My time has come, eh?"

"...has now been changed to being from Fujioka Haruhi!"

The two female hosts blinked, looking at one another in surprise, but neither as shocked as their "king."

Chuckling evil, the twins looped an arm around Kagome, Hikaru wrapping an arm around her shoulder while Kaoru held her tightly at the waist. She blushed brightly as they filled her in on their "mishap." "Because Kyouya-senpai said, "An accident at the end will heat things up.""

Kagome was so distracted by the twins and their close proximity that she was left shocked by Haruhi accidentally kissing Kanako, what had originally been meant to be a simple peck on the cheek turned into a full-on kiss thanks to the twins medaling. Because of them and their insane need for chaos, Tamaki slips on a banana peel which pushes Haruhi into Kanako.

What had once been an evening of fun had turned into one of chaos, and yet Kagome couldn't be happier. Even if she missed her past and those from it, for a moment, she was living fully in that moment and enjoying every second of it.

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