Chapter 5

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Opening the door to the club room had Kagome speechless. Before her, in the large pink music room stood a fantastical vision of a tropical paradise. The air was heated with the smell of fruit and flowers pulling her into the magical illusion. A shiver of familiarity that brought with it a bang of loss and longing. The scene before her being composed mostly of kitsune magic.

Stepping in, Mitsukuni came running up to her with a huge grin. "K'gome-chan!" Catching the young demon, Kagome offered him an equally big grin and warm greeting as she pulled him tight to her chest in a welcoming hug. She held him there, taking comfort in the short hug; he smelled of chocolate and candy, reminding her of the kit she left behind.

"Hello, Hani-senpai," she slowly set him down. Behind him was Takahi, who offered her a short nod in greeting, whereas the twins gave her a sing-song hello in unison. "So is this the surprise you tried warning me about Mori-senpai?" he nodded with a grunt, a pale shade of pink coloring his cheeks- thankfully unnoticed. "So, do I get a costume?"

Mitsukuni nodded excitedly as he looked at the twins. Between them stood a mannequin with a Balinese tropical outfit that looked to have been made of fine fabrics and bright, colorful patterns. It consisted of a chest wrap and skirt, but after Kagome examined the beautiful outfit, she shook her head sadly, her mind going to the large scar running along her side and the many others that told the story of her adventures in the past. She wasn't ready to have to explain them away.

"I'm sorry, but I can't wear that," she said sadly but made a quick lie. "If I did, everyone would know I'm a girl. Is there anything else?"

Kaoru nodded, his cheeks heating as she looked up at him with her large sapphire eyes. In them was that sadness that he'd first seen a week prior when she'd joined, it seemed to always be there, and a part of him wanted nothing more than to get rid of her sadness. That thought had his cheeks immediately darkening.

The next outfit that was produced was a white shirt with a silk sash and brightly colored Kamen wrapped around the hips and overlaying a pair of pants. Then there were gold accessories that went on the ankles, wrists, and forearms. Although it wasn't as intricate as the other outfits, it would at least be comfortable and easier to keep her true gender concealed. There would be some scars showing but nothing too big as to draw attention.

Quickly putting it on in the dressing room Kagome then went about exploring the decor of the room. There were tall palm trees and beautiful tropical flowers that brought with it a lively fragrance. It smelt and felt just as she imagined it would.

Kaoru was the first to approach her, a flower lei of bright red hibiscus flowers in hand. "Don't want to forget your flowers," he said with a simple smile.

Kagome smiled happily, accepting them, not knowing that a strange set of scars were visible, ones Kyouya took particular note of. On both arms, in the same placement, were claw marks that had torn the skin outward, to a human, they wouldn't be of much notice, but to a demon, he knew exactly what they were. Kyouya was finding Kagome to be more and more interesting the more he tried to investigate; her files were locked, and he couldn't retrieve any personal data from the school's archives.

The club continued like Kagome had been expecting, and her guests were just as flustered with her as ever. It was actually kind of cute. She'd only ever been given this much attention from Kouga and Hojo- Inuyasha, although an old crush had never paid her much attention- but even with those two, they had simply fawned over her instead of showing interest in her as a person or getting to really know her.

She found herself almost blushing with the way the girls looked at her with such intensity and sincerity.

"Kagome-kun, that costume looks so good on you!" One cheered with a brilliant shade of red coloring her cheeks.

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