Chapter 15: Part 1 of 2

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The next two weeks were fairly enjoyable for Kagome. While she was limited in her movement due to her injured knee and sprained ankle, it was nice to be pampered. Aside from entertaining her few regulars, Kagome periodically got the "host club treatment" from her fellow hosts.

The next day, seeing as they had gone to the indoor waterpark on a school night, Kyoya had a car waiting at the train station. He had tried to take her home the night before, but Kagome had refused; she didn't want the hosts having access to her address, not wanting them to invade her privacy or drop by whenever they felt like it. And then waiting at the school gates would be Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru. Kaoru would take her bag, and they would continue into the school. Throughout the day, Hikaru and Kaoru would do their best to help her, usually taking her bag or pulling out her chair.

When class was over, Tamaki burst into the classroom and whisked Kagome away to the club room, trailed closely behind by the twins, with Kaoru loudly protesting. Once they arrived, Kagome was greeted by Mitsukuni and Takashi, who presented her with a salve that they then constantly nagged her to use.

And, of course, her guest fawned over her, and even they started catering to her. Feeding her and insisting she places her head in their laps.

Kagome loved the attention everyone lavished upon her and the feeling of being taken care of, but deep down, it made her feel somewhat guilty. There never seemed to be the right time to talk to them, so she kept her thoughts bottled up, feeling her chest getting heavier with guilt with each day that passed by.

Now that her knee was healed, Kagome would finally have the chance to open up to her friends without being bombarded by their incessant worrying whenever she moved.

Walking into the host club, Kagome was greeted by an odd sight.

"Kagome!~" Tamaki cheered, racing to her with outstretched arms. Though stiff, Kagome was able to sidestep the blond, sending him soaring into the door.

Dozens of mannequins dotted the club room; each one posed differently in a way that showed off different styled swimsuits. She immediately had a flashback to the Jungle pool, remembering how the twins had thrown both Haruhi and her into a room where they tried on nearly a dozen different styles before being allowed to leave.

Each of the members seemed to weave in and out of the maze of mannequins, carefully regarding each design before moving on to the next.

Haruhi gasped in surprise, having to squeeze in from the door since Tamaki was blocking the way. "What's going on here?" she asked, just as curious as Kagome.

"We're going to the beach!" Tamaki piped up, jumping up behind Haruhi and looping an arm around her shoulders.

"The beach? But why?"

"You said it before!-" Hikaru started

"That you wouldn't mind going to a real beach." And Kaoru finished.

"Did I?"

"Yes, you did. And so-" They stepped aside, spreading their arms out to the numerous mannequins and the swimsuits they wore. "-we've prepared swimsuits for you and Kagome!"

"They're cute, aren't they?" Hikaru beamed.

"Seriously?" Kagome asked the twins dumbly. Haruhi also looking at the swimsuit with suspension.

Standing next to Kyoya, Kagome watched as the twins, with the assistance of Takashi and Mitsukuni, searched for the perfect swimsuit for Haruhi; Tamaki got in the way more often than not with his shenanigans. "So what's the catch?" She asked, looking at the taller host from the corner of her eye.

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