part 11

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jungwon walked into school and everyone was giving him weird looks in the halls and he didn't know why they were doing that..

even at lunch, jungwon ate by himself and he didn't even want to tell his friends why he was acting so upset about it.. but there was one person who cared about him

"hi" jay waved at him with a smile on his face

"hey.." jungwon weakly smiled back at him which caused the older to instantly sit down next to him

"what's wrong? did you have a fight with your friends?" jay asked

"no of course not.. i just felt like eating lunch by myself today.. but can i ask you something?"

"sure, you can ask me anything because i am your friend so i should know what is bothering you"

"so... do you know the reason why everyone is giving me weird looks and talking to each other?"

"oh umm.. well you see.. i was also wondering the exact same thing and my best friend jake told me what happened and i was really confused"

"well what happened???"

"well uh.. everyone knows that you um.. have a crush on me.." jay blurted out which caused jungwon's heart to break into pieces

"oh... how did they know that i like you..."

"well they kinda assumed it and asked jake and he said that you do because he asked heeseung and sunghoon"

"wait.. hee and sunghoon told jake that i like you..."

"yeah and i just wanted to ask if you like me because after jake told me, i was so confused and that's how i ended up here with you"

"i told them not to tell anyone!! oh god i am so stupid.. i never should've told them in the first place"

"so uh.. do you like me?"

jungwon had to tell the truth and he already it was going to change everything..

"umm... yes i really like you.."

"jungwon-ah.. you are such a great friend to me and i like being with you and you are so much more better than my stupid friends but i just don't like you in that way so can we please just be friends and forget this ever happened because i don't want to ruin my reputation"

"what.. i can't believe that you only care about what other people are going to think if we started dating and you don't seem to care about my sexuality or even my feelings!! i wish you and i were never friends in the first place because you are the most annoying, stupidest person that i have ever met and i also can't believe that i even started to have a crush on you bc all you care about is your popularity! don't ever talk to me again!!"

jungwon ran out of the room and jay just sat there completely confused about what just happened to him.. he never would've excepted yang jungwon to even say anything like that to his face...

enemies to lovers - jaywon Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora