Chapter Eleven - Alvaryn

Start from the beginning

"Of course not, why would you think that? We are being treated like honoured guests." She answers, sarcasm dripping in every word. At least my magic could recognize the difference between sarcasm and a lie.

"The Offering is an important event to my people and my kingdom, you are all honoured guests. It would be difficult for you I'm sure for everything to have happened so quickly and be living here with us." I offer calmly, not sure what else I could say that would help her. Anger still wraps around her like armour, I don't think I can help with it but decide to try nonetheless. "I can sense you are angry and while this must all be overwhelming we don't want any of the chosen to be angry or feeling as though they are useless. Believe me you have great importance to all of us."

"Yes, I am learning of our importance to the kingdom every day, learning the reason for the treaty and why we are here. Humans are told from a young age about the fae and the treaty, females in particular just in case we are chosen in the offering so we can be prepared, and while I can understand the fae's position in all of this and the reason for the treaty in the first place it doesn't change the anger I feel at being chosen and being forced to pretend to be someone I am not. At least in my weak, useless human world I was accepted and loved despite my obvious flaws, unlike this place, where we must all present ourselves as flowers in a garden, standing with our blooming petals for all to see." Anger laces her words and I feel it flare out towards me, vicious and wild like a flame.

"I'm sorry you feel that way." I reply trying to ward off her anger until it is no longer directed at me instead just wraps around her again. She grinds her jaw, eyes hard as she looks at me ready for another battle of words. Usually words were never a problem for me, always there, always present and ready for most discussions, but now I find myself lacking in those always constant words. What is there to say? What words could I offer her when despite her reply I myself have experienced nothing that comes close to her position here with us, no idea what she left behind and what she faces now. I had never stopped to think about the humans that were bought here.

We stand in silence, I continue to struggle with anything to say, not sure if I should say something that will help, though I doubt there is much I could say. Or whether I should defend my kingdom and my people as that seems where her anger is directed most, but knowing it would only make the situation worse I hold my tongue.

"Forgive me, I shouldn't have said any of that. I need to be better at keeping my emotions in check." She says softly, her fists relaxing as she smooths down the skirt of her dress.

"I should leave you to your peace and quiet." She curtsies and moves to step around me walking towards the doors.

"If you ever need a place to vent, I'm sure the cushions don't mind, the librarians might though so keep an eye out." I say quickly, she stops, looking over her shoulder she gives me a small smile and nods before turning and closing the doors behind her.

It was an honest warning about the librarians, it was probably best she knew about them sooner rather than later if she planned on visiting the library again.

My mind spins with all the information it was still processing while trying to understand her side of it all, that her anger may in fact be valid from her point of view.

I disliked the idea of her being made to feel inferior but it is a truth, the human race in general are inferior to fae, it is just a fact. But I have the feeling she meant something other than just the obvious difference between our races, that her feelings of being inferior and useless were more personal, that they were about her inability to conform to the standards being set. I knew little of the lessons the chosen received, etiquette and decorum, history lessons on the fae and what their purpose is in our kingdom were the main subjects. They were lessons all fae had growing up, I remember dancing for hours at a time while trying to remember each step for each different type of dance and my mind feeling as though it would turn to mush.

Or sitting at a dining table that held no food or drink just everything else while being instructed how a prince should sit and eat and speak. It had all seemed so dull and boring at the time and had lasted years, spread out in-between everything else we were taught.

Now the chosen are being expected to learn everything in such a short amount of time, it would be a lot of pressure, but even that would not explain Daella's anger. No, it was deeper than that. It was The Offering itself and everything it stood for that had caused that reaction. That was not anything I could placate.

The Offering had been in place for over a hundred years, she had been offered by her own people to serve in our kingdom, she hadn't been stolen or abducted but given freely. Maybe in her eyes it didn't feel that way.

I walk back to the shelf I had been searching before I had heard her and find the sequel I was looking for.

I doubt my thoughts would be able to think of anything else but our conversation now until it had gone over everything a few dozen times and studied every word and expression, coming up with words and replies I could have used much too late, over analysing the entire scene until I can file it away. I grip my book tightly.

"This is why I read."

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