Chapter Nine - Demwyn

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our garden party, we are honoured to have you as our guests and hope you enjoy yourselves." My father says before waving his hand and the music starts playing.

I take a deep breath, eyes scanning the fae as they begin chatting to one another, the Lords moving towards the human women like moths to a flame.

"See, that one there, she is still hiding somewhat," Aeris says trying to point subtly at one of the human girls. "With the brown hair and blue dress." Aeris says so only we will here.

I find the girl he is watching now, she stands near the tables, eyes wary like they are avoiding the oncoming Lords, she even takes a step back turning to find the Mistress watching her closely.

"I spoke to her as well." Alvaryn says quietly as Aeris reaches for a glass of wine as it passes by.

"When?" He asks.

"Yesterday, she was in the library."

"Hiding again, I think I'm seeing a pattern." Aeris smiles to himself.

"Can you blame her?" I ask, thinking out loud. "Imagine being taken from her home and being bought to a strange new kingdom you've only ever heard about then being told you're going to marry one of these strangers in a matter of months, I would probably hide as well."

"No you wouldn't, you'd find the nearest weapon or make yourself one and fight your way out." Aeris snorts.

"Well I doubt she is going to do that." I mutter, watching as she edges away from the Mistress, holding her hands in front of her.

"What did I tell you about the eyes though?" Aeris asks Alvaryn, nudging him in the arm.

"Memorable to be sure." He answers with a nod. Now I'm wondering what I'm missing out on.

"What's her name then?" I ask, still watching her.

"Not sure, I didn't ask." Alvaryn answers with a shrug. Of course he didn't. I wonder what made him speak to her at all, and what they had spoken about.

"Alright, I suppose one of us is going to have to start." I say before making my way towards the other fae as they talk in small groups.

I didn't really give myself time to think about what I was doing as I make my way towards the girl my brothers had both already met.

"Hello." I say, stepping up to her, she looks up at me with wide eyes, and yes they were bright blue, just like sapphires but the fear distracts me from noticing the colour for too long.

She curtsies and forces a smile.

"Hello Your Highness."

"I'm Prince Demwyn." I say, holding my hand out.

She looks at it with uncertainty and I wonder what she could be possibly uncertain about a handshake.

She smiles tightly, taking my hand.

"I'm Daella."

"You've already met both my brothers." I begin and she looks up at me like she is in trouble then forces another smile, looking over my shoulder quickly, no doubt looking at both of them.

"Yes, I have had the pleasure of meeting your brothers already."

I can't help but smile at her answer, overly polite, she continues to grip her hands in front of her, afraid. It was different sensing that fear from a female though. I was used to smelling it on other males, enemies, but never in this position.

"Do I scare you?" I ask watching as her eyes widen again, I can almost see her mind ticking away as it tries to come up with the correct answer.

"No Your Highness, you do not scare me." A touch of defiance in her voice and body language.

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