Chapter Six - Daella

Start from the beginning

Next has the same dark hair but cut short, the sides clipped and the top longer and combed off to the side. I look at his face and he is beautiful, his skin is paler then his brothers and a long pale scar runs from his left brow over his eye and to his cheekbone but it doesn't take away his beauty, if anything it only adds to it. He is wearing a serious expression as he looks down at this year's offering. He is leaner then his brother but stands tall and straight wearing a fitted dark blue fae suit with gold embroidery on the jacket. The last Prince has the same white blonde hair as their mother, it is long and straight and half pulled back from his face which holds a smug expression, one corner of his mouth is pulled up and as I gaze up I meet his eyes. My heartbeat stutters as I stare at the prince, how can someone be so beautiful and masculine at the same time? His head tilts to the side only subtly and he doesn't break my gaze as I stare back.

Only when the King finally stands do I break his stare and turn to the king taking in deep breaths as I try to calm my racing heart.

The king stands and holds his arms up.

"This offering will be different as not only will our High Lords be among those who will be choosing a bride, but my own sons, our princes, will also be choosing a bride each." There are whispers and quiet voices around the hall as the news is taken in. "My sons, your princes, will choose their brides first from the chosen and then the High Lords will choose their brides. This is a momentous occasion and one that will be celebrated for years to come. I myself am happy to welcome each of the chosen into my home and hope that you will all come to view our Kingdom as your home." He smiles down at us. "Now that part is over, please let the music begin."

Music begins playing and fills the room. We have been instructed to speak to the other guests as we will be introduced to the Lords and Ladies of the court.

I didn't like the idea of this part. I look around as the fae begin to move around the room, some begin dancing at its centre, I move to the edge of the room, wanting to be as far away from the dancing as possible. If earlier had proved anything, it was that I should not be dancing.

I notice the tables filled with food and drinks, servants weave their way around the sides, blending in to the shadows and staying out of the way. Guards in their fitted uniforms are stationed regularly around the room.

I watch as some of the girls begin talking to the fae, they smile and curtsy, others stare around with wide frightened eyes.

I search for Roux and find her standing at the edge of the dance floor, she is approached by three fae, two males and one female. She smiles and curtsies as they introduce themselves.

I edge further back and bump against the wall.

I could stay here all night, no one would notice me here, unless the Mistress started counting I suppose, or the Advisor begins wondering around, I doubt he would miss anything.

As the music changes and partners are changed, more of the chosen are invited to dance, they move in rhythm to the music, swaying and stepping in time. Roux is smiling at the fae that holds her hand and turns her, her pale pink dress sashaying around her. If I didn't know better I would say she looks like she belonged here with them.

"Shouldn't you be out there dancing instead of hiding?" A male voice says behind me quietly making me gasp. I turn and look up to find the blonde Prince smirking down at me.

"Beautiful..." I breathe before I can stop myself as I stare up at the prince.

I blink, collecting my thoughts and try to remember the correct greetings and terms to use. I quickly curtsy.

"Your Highness," I smile as best as I can. He nods in return a smirk still on the corner of his mouth.

"So, shouldn't you be out there?" He asks, pointing at the dance floor.

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