Midoriya | I need you 🖤

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Quirk: Phantom


I woke up alone again..in my bedroom I shared with my fiance

This wasn't the first time we're both heroes and he just so happened to be higher in the charts than me meaning he was always busy; I rolled out of bed and pulled my robe off of the hook hanging from the back of my bathroom door. I wandered into the kitchen and noticed a plate on the island in the kitchen

At first I ignored it and went straight for the coffee and turned on the coffee machine..my shift didn't start until later so I was happy taking my time with my day, I looked at the plate and gave in pulling it closer to me and seeing the post it note that was on top of it

'Good morning puppy,

I'm sorry we couldn't spend breakfast together again today but I promise I'll make it up to you tonight, I made you breakfast though you might need to warm it up.

I'll try to be home earlier tonight I already miss you! I love you puppy


I read the note and took off the foil that covered the plate, my mouth started to water when I saw the food on it..Izuku was always a good cook better than me at the very least and with him I could almost always look forward to a perfect home made meal. When my coffee was finished I quickly grabbed it and sat down with my plate, the food was still warm- warm enough to eat the cheese on and in the omelette he made was perfect and stringy and his toast was amazing

After I was done with my breakfast I got ready for work in the bathroom. I fixed my h/l hair and applied light makeup before stepping out and putting my hero costume on, I Grabbed my keys and left driving to my agency eight minutes away..the office was busy as always and everyone greeted me with the same or similar script as always "good morning evanesce" "good morning Miss Tadashi how's my schedule for today?" My assistant kitsume tadashi is always immediately glued to my side whenever I walk through the front doors

She's a single mother of two and an amazing task keeper with her quirk that makes any and all tasks seem simple "you have two meetings today one in an hour and one this afternoon then you're scheduled for patrol and lastly a charity meet and greet with the kids at the local hospital" I nod as she scrolled on her tablet and walked with me through the offices and onto the elevator

I pressed a button that led straight to my office and put in the pin access code before we moved. When the doors open we walk out..she immediately walks to her desk and starts on her work and checking for any missed calls while I open the doors to my office, a large sized office with a desk in the center with two chairs facing towards it..two sofas placed across from each other with a coffee table between them, to the right the entire wall was replaced with glass windows and to the left on the opposite was four large bookshelves with many books

And a table separating the four a decent sized frame picture with you along with your friends from highschool as heroes. Well...those who lived..those who didn't make it long past highschool or didn't make it out of highschool at all were placed as their younger selves in the photo. A large mirror behind the desk with large paintings on either side of it. I sigh and close the door behind me once the door clicked and closed I walked to my desk and started on the reports I didn't get a chance to finish the day before

It was tiring work. Going back and forth from computer to paper. Making phone calls and taking phone calls..once the original paperwork was done the notes and files needed for your next two meetings needed to be printed and filed before the meetings

MHA One Shots | Book 1 | Hero Edition Where stories live. Discover now