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Quirk: Phantom

On command you can turn yourself and your clothing invisible. You can move things too but if you were to pick them up for a certain amount of time they too become invisible but visible to you. However to everyone else the object has not yet moved until placed down again and reappears.

The longer you have your quirk activated your body will slowly loose feeling in itself causing your body to "fall asleep" (think when your leg/arm falls asleep and you get pins and needles) first you start to feel a tingling in your legs and slowly upwards until you fall immobile and paralyzed

Hero Name: evanesce (eh·vuh·nes)
Latin Phrase that defines as "disappear gradually"; "vanish" or "fade away"

Hero Costume:

Hero Costume:

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Quirk: Dark Matter

You can pull and extract dark matter from yourself and the space around you, similar to the energy of a black hole the gravitational pull is strong when controlled and in a sphere like shape but like a bubble once the sphere pops or is met with solid objects/ground it explodes pushing everything/everyone away from it, you can also direct the attack but doing so needs extreme concentration and a calm aura/energy

dark matter feeds off negative emotions and energy. When out of control the user (you) can become extremely dangerous to themselves and those around them, the dark matter can slowly take over their body like a virus (think mcu venom) they cannot be touched.

Hero Name: Abussos (ab'-us-sos)
Greek root word that "abyss" originated from. Is defined as "bottomless", "without", "depth", "depthless" "darkness"

Hero Costume:

Hero Costume:

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Quirk: Time


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