Bakugou & Kirishima | Ours

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Warning!! Suggestive themes!!
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Quirk: Telekinesis


It's been four years since I graduated from UA, as a pro hero I never get any time off and to myself

"Nice work out there today guys!" "Thanks Meras!" I wave to a few coworkers of mine as I pack up my things and walk out of the agency I worked at, the drive home was nice I stopped by a store and got a few things so I could continue to make myself lunches while on duty

As I get back in my car ready to head home my phone rings and my Bluetooth kicks in as I look at the caller ID and pick up "hey mina!" "Heeyy y/n!! Whatcha up to bestie?" "Nothing I'm driving home I just got off or work" I stop at a light and take my h/l h/c down from it being pinned up and start driving again "oh okay okay fuuun glad to know it's another day of staying alive for you" "hey what's that supposed to mean?" I pull into my driveway and put my car into park

I changed my phone from Bluetooth speaker to just a regular call as I got my groceries out of my car and walked inside "nothiiing you know how it is as heros" "all too well mina" I heard her giggle on the other end and we talked as I put away my groceries and changed out of my hero costume

"So y/n I have to tell you! Jirou just messaged me earlier today and she said that the bakusquad is getting back together for the night!" I stop pulling up my sweatpants and readjust the phone in disbelief "what really!? It's been years!" "I know right! She also gave me denki's number and we've been talking and thought we could all go to a club across town how does that sound?" I smile already digging through my closet still on the phone with my pink friend

I pulled out a knee length dress and held it up "oh yes that'd be awesome!" "Aaand denki also said he got in touch with Kirishima and bakugouuu~" I paused hearing their names..I haven't heard from or seen them since graduation four years ago, would they even remember me? "Wh-what mina are you serious right now?" "Yes girl! Hell even our old stoner bestie sero is gonna show up the whole gang" I laugh at Minas nickname for sero, I set the dress back and grab a shorter sparkly dark wine red and black ombre dress with noodle straps and a low loose cut cleavage

Mina got it for me on my last birthday I've never had a proper reason to wear it until now "you do still like them do you?" "I..mina!!" "Whaat?? You had like the biggest crush on both boys all through highschool..I never got why you didn't get with one of them" I set the dress on my bed and look around for heels "exactly the of them it hurt too much to pick one over the other when I was in love with seemed selfish of me to ask for both in the first place" I pick up a pair of black ankle strapped heels with dark red soles and set them next to my dress

"Y/n I get it but you never know maybe they had a thing for you too I mean seriously I'm hot but holy shit you were the real thing in highschool" I smirk and turn on my shower letting my hot water warm up to the perfect temperature "I still am" "yes you still are girlie! Alright we're all gonna meet at the usual club at ten, don't be late I gotta get ready see ya bestie!" I hear her cheerful tone making me smile over the phone "see ya soon pinky" I hang up and look at myself in the mirror

I didn't look too much different than I did in highschool, I got more muscular and there're a few new scars here and there, my hair was slightly different but other than that I didn't see a change "alright let's do this" I undressed and jumped in the shower washing and shaving every part of my body, it took a long while to get done but I did eventually. When I was finished I brushed my teeth while blowdrying my hair, I struggled for a bit to do two things at once but it got done and when I was satisfied with how dry my hair was I walked into my bedroom and looked at the dress that laid on my bed

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