Eventually, We'll Be Reunited

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                                                             Xie Lian

Xie Lian felt seconds away from blacking out. He was drained, and everything was too damn much. Those things must've slipped him something because he was too weak, even despite this rough week.

The poor God has gone from mission to request to mission to damn request to fucking mission! With no rest and no break, but even still, something was horribly wrong.

He wanted nothing more than to pass out, but instead, he kept moving. The snowstorm was too heavy, and he was trying to call for Ling Wen, but his speech was too slurred.

Had his sight always been this blurry? Was he even running anymore? His knees felt cold and...and...

Soon the debilitated man was left on the snowy ground. Unconscious and exposed. Footsteps were coming closer to him.

A young boy shuffled through the snow alone. He wasn't wearing much, for he didn't expect to survive long out there and didn't care as long as his family was free of him. They didn't want him...

They were going to kill him, but he saved them the trouble and left. Who'd want a pathetic sickly child like him anyways?

Suddenly the kid tripped over something and quickly realized it was someone. A poor man lying in the snow, freezing. Checking his pulse, the kid realized he was alive.

He surveyed his surroundings and saw a cave. That would work. He grabbed the man and slowly began to pull him. Suddenly he heard growls and saw glowing wolves searching and skulking about angrily.

Probably looking for the man he was dragging...

Suddenly a smooth, frosty voice cut through the strong wind. "Now, now, Xie Lian. Come on out. You can't hide forever." That person didn't sound friendly at all...

Suddenly a bandage wrapped around his arm. He saw writing in the snow..."R..Ruo ye...?" He held in a scream as the bandage wrapped around both of them and lifted them up in a tree.

Out of sight.

Blinking fast and panting hard, the boy was frightened before realizing it helped him. He made sure the man was situated.

"We need to get rid of those meanies...." The bandage slowly lowered him but kept him out of sight, and he used the storm as cover.

Good thing he's in white. Setting up his bow and arrow, he aimed and took out a wolf that got too close to the tree with the unconscious man.

He tried not to keep still for too long and swung around with Ruo ye, taking out wolves until slowly they were negligible in number, then focused on the malicious person. He had a perfect headshot.

He aimed...

Then fired.

The person caught it and looked dead at the poor kid...uh oh.

Soon the poor boy was flung on the ground, and the man looked at him impressed. "Not bad for a pathetic little wretch."

Scrambling to his feet, the boy shakily unsheathed his sword. "Easy, I don't want to hurt you, and I don't have to either. Just hand him over, and I'll leave."

Stubbornly the boy shook his head, "Y-Yo...You will hurt-t..him!"

The man scoffed but didn't disagree.

"You want to die for someone you don't know? Fine, then die."

The two fought, but the boy was outmatched strength-wise. However, he was from a cultivator clan, and they were masters with a sword.

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