Maybe One Day, We'll Finally Find You

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                                                                Feng Xin

It took a surprisingly short amount of time for Nie Mingjue to heal and an even shorter time for him to bond with everyone. It took Nie Huaisang no time at all. It's like the brothers belonged with them.

After that first night of having Wei Ying, Feng Xin honestly didn't believe he'd adapt to the whole "parent" thing.

He did.

He certainly didn't believe he'd come to love them as he should.

He did, very passionately, as he did with most things.

He most definitely had no idea what he was doing at all. Yet apparently....that was okay.

None of them did, and quite frankly, most parents fucking don't. All they could do was play by ear and take it day by day.

However, despite not having kids for very long, Feng Xin quickly became used to them. It's to the point that he notices when they aren't there and finds it strange.

Dare he say, uncomfortable.

They all bonded with them. Wei Ying loves to go on adventures with them and explore their different worlds. Occasionally bringing him on less harmful missions or to their shrines.

Going scrap collecting with Gege. He and Huaisang love doing that. Letting Jiang Fengmian visit them in secret and sometimes bringing his baby girl.

He did once ask why he never brought his other son, and the man said, "Unlike the baby, Jiang Cheng can talk. If he lets it slip that Wei Ying is alive, it can put not just Wei Ying in danger but also Jiang Yanli and myself." It seems Jiang Cheng is the only one that the wench likes.

All Jiang Fengmian can do is wait until he can safely get them all out.

Anyways, back to the kids. Nie Huaisang fit in the fastest out of them all. Able to have quiet time with Xie Lian, painting or nature watching with him.

Learning to sew, read, and create beautiful things with Mu Qing.

Teaching Hua Cheng calligraphy, and in exchange, he taught Nie Huaisang to fight.

Feng Xin's favorite thing was just listening to his thoughts. His venting, his plans, and the deep inner workings of his mind. What he lacked physically, he more than made up for mentally.

This kid was horrifyingly brilliant.

Nie Mingjue took a bit more time to bond with them, but not from a lack of trying. It's simply been far too long since he's been able to open up, relax, and be a kid.

He loved sparring and joining missions, perfect practice for his cultivation. Exploring Ghost City was his favorite thing to do. However, he also loved learning more domestic things like cooking and became so proud when he did it right.

He also picked up a love of learning now that he had time to enjoy it. He loved trying out new hobbies and was mildly obsessed with learning about history and the Gods.

He lost his shit when he heard about Hua Cheng's triumph over the Gods.

He positively blossomed and found a way to connect with all of them. Feng Xin really felt like they were a true family, as weird as that is to say.

That's not to say that they don't have problems. Wei Ying has PTSD from his abuse and difficult past, and he also has trouble opening up and expressing the negative sides of his thoughts and emotions and prefers to hide it all behind a smile, never admitting when he was struggling until he had to.

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