39!just why????

294 12 9

-3rd pov-

"I'll go put thesr back on their shelfs."

Y/n and xiao were hanging out in the library for the entire lunch period just looking through picture books like children.

They were enjoying their time together, laughing and making jokes about all those cliched story. Well,,, mostly y/n. Xiao would listen to her talking rather than talk himself, it isn't like he didn't want to, he just didn't know what to say.

"Mhm" Xiao hummed as he followed his friend, heading to the book shelf they took the picture books from as he was helping her since they took a lot of those.

"Actully, thanks for talking with me- well mostly listening!"

"You don't need to thank me, I enjoyed hearing you talk..."

What the fuck did I just say?????

He was glad y/n was busy Placing the last picture book on its shelf, she looked towards xiao with a bright smile on her face.  A smile to wich he gladly returned with a small one on his own.

Damn he's so CUTE

A light pinkish hue started forming on the girls cheek as she began giggling, "never have i thought we'd look at picture books together, Life's full of surprises!"


Time seemed to freeze as both y/n and xiao were staring at each other with a smile on their lips, they found themselves leaning into one other's faces, the angle wasn't much of a problem since they both seemed to be quite the same hight with small differences.


Y/n seemed calm, but in the inside she was screaming. She'd lie if she says she didn't saw xiao as a potential love intrest, or even a crush. The h/c-nette was just being delulu like always.

Now both their faces were so close they could feel each other's breath to the point where it was both pleasant and intoxicating. No one dared to make a move.

That's until from afar, y/n seemed to catch on a little noise looking away from xiao's directions as she noticed a hooded figure leaving the library.

"Is there a problem?" Xiao sudently asked as y/n looked back at him with a small smile.

"Nah, nothing important." She shrugged it off. As Xiao looked away his stoic face returning.

"Hey Xiao. One day, we should probably go to the-" just as she was going to finish her sentence, she heard some weird noises like the shelfs had been pushed against one other, she wasn't imagining. It was indeed the case.

"SHIT-!" Her first reflex was to push xiao out of the way of these falling book shelves, as they all fell like dominos, his back harshly landed on a wall, the impact hitting his head causing it to ash from pain.

It took him some time for his head to recover form the impact as he gripped the nearest thing possible to steady himself, wish was a table, properly standing up, mouth wide open, his eyes too.

The scene infront of him wasn't one you'd see everyday, shelves one on top of the other, books spread anywhere, bit mostly no sign of his friend, the one who actully pushed him away from this.

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