Seulgi was burning
She's proud of her father, of his friends that did the right thing
And she will make sure that she will continue what they started

She'll kill the last boss, and take down this stupid gang

"You are stupid, really ... You and g dragon are both stupid, you call this protecting? You call this loyalty? You asshole, you two are the ones who betrayed the gang and your friends, not them, they did the right thing while you fucked up, I really used to think that you're the smartest person ever, but your stupidity surprise me "

The smile in the man's face faded
He got up from his chair and approached the woman, walking to her till he was 1 meter away

"Don't you dare say this kid "
He warned her

But she didn't show any sign of fear, instead she laughed, straight in his face

This action made the man furious , and without thinking twice , he punshed her

And, she didn't dodge it

She could've done it, but she didn't

She stopped laughing and smiled at him for a second, that smile turning to her normal cold face again in seconds

" you're weak, so weak "
She said

The man smirked

"We'll see about that kang "

"Gd deserved his death, dying like a dog, what a wonderful death for a wonderful person like him, don't you agree? Wow he killed his friends, what do you expect"

He punshed again, but this time she dodged it

"Not just my father, but also my mother, you and him,you killed them in front of me , I was 10 and you took the only thing I loved from me , and I saw my best friends suffering, you did the same to them, to Irene, and I'll make you suffer like you made them do, I'll make sure you'll get a nice room in hell next to your stupid " loyal" friend "

She said every single bitterly

" I raised you, when I had the chance to kill you, you, moonbyul and Wendy , you three were my only exception, but he was right, mercy is a weakness, I should've killed you that day, unfortunately I didn't, I didn't know that this day will come, but I'm glad to see you all grown up, facing me with no fear In your eyes, I hope you'll keep this Face when I'll torture you till death, kang seulgi "

"Let the fight begin then, park bogum "

And with this, they started fighting

Seulgi agree, he was much more stronger and faster
And she knew, she couldn't win if he kept blowing those punches at her

But she had to push herself up everytime and punch back

She knew Wendy and moonbyul would be there at any minute, she wished they are okay and not hurt at that moment

And her mind was occupied with her lover, joohyun

She remembered her goal , revenge
And she remembered all those painful years, how she trained so hard, crying every night cause the pain she's feeling won't stop, the pain in her heart and her body
She remembered how hard she had to study, how many meals she skipped and how many nights she stayed sleepless with cups of coffee in her table 

She remembered her father's laugh and her mother's warm smile

she remembered the pain in her two best friends eyes, she knew they felt like her

And she remembered the pain Irene went through

And all of these made her stronger

So , she stand up again
Throwing her now almost ripped jacket away

And taking a fight position

And in a flash of light, a punch was landed in the man's face making him go back 3steps

He smirked, holding his aching chin

And the fight continues

They are now breathing heavily, bruises and cuts all over their faces and bodies, bloody chuckles and blue hands

Seulgi knew, her cold body was going to collapse sooner, her blurry vision was enough of a proof

But again, she stand up

The man was as tired as her, busted lips and a blue eye, broken ankle that made him struggle in standing up

He was amzed, and he knew that this was coming to an end sooner

And this made him break the fight's rule

No weapons

Without warning
He took a knife from his pocket, and fastly launched it at the bear like woman in front of him

She didn't have time to dodge it, so she used her hand as a shield

The knife intering her hand, going out of the other side

She yelled in pain
And the man laughed at her, like a total lunatic

"Sorry kang, rules are meant to be broken "

He took the knife harshly, causing a yell to come out of seulgi's mouth

And her only hope was the gun facing her

She had no stamina left
And the man running toward her made her feel weaker

And when she was about the give up

"Seulgi! You're here,you can do it baby,you're strong"

She heard this familiar voice

She knew she was imagining things, maybe cause she was about to pass out from the heavy pain she's feeling in her whole body

And the next thing she felt was a cut in her leg

A deep cut that made her unable to Stand up, yet she did

She kept breathing heavily
Dodging his attacks again and again

And in one swift mostion

She grabbed his arm and twist it

Making him drop the knife

She kicked it with her other leg
Sending it away from both of them

A broken ankle and a leg with a cut

Both seulgi and bogum were in pain

And their eyes shifted to the gun facing them

They ran

Fighting you geth the gun

Both kicking each other on the ground

They got up again and both held the gun

He was physically stronger
But his energy was drained
And so was hers

"Seulgi! "

She heard Wendy and byul's scream

And then bang

A gun shot was heard

My Doctor Is My Bodyguard (Seulrene) Where stories live. Discover now