Chapter Twenty-Two: Wanted & Mine

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Sean had been ready to leave and go home, but Mark insisted that they stay longer. He still was shaken up by the events and Sean couldn't blame him. So, he stayed. Allowing Mark to smother him with affection until exhaustion overcame him. Sean stayed in bed with him until Mark fell asleep. Then slipping from the bed, Sean moved to the desk and turned his mirror on to listen to the news, while he scribbled down some notes that he didn't want to forget. The news pixie cheerly informed the viewers that the local boss must have been defeated because a new level opened in the Yggdrasil tree. Causing players to flood into the next level in the hopes of finding homes to live in and jobs that are filled in the lower level towns. She reported how the top guilds are making it their main priority to gather information on the next boss and that recruiting is still open. Sean drew a question mark after the Game Master's title and sighed. He just didn't understand why someone would do this to people.

The reporting pixie drew his attention to the mirror by stating out in a grim voice. "In other news. Ten deaths have been reported recently. All the latest victims of The Specters of Death guild. While increased reports of popular gaming stars going missing is closely following by the death tolls. Those that call themselves 'Non-gamers' have finally established a guild they refer to as the 'Moderators.' Their goal is to end the imbalance and injustice against lower players of the game. Since only high tier gamers are stealing all the experience points from spawning grounds and collecting all the loot and money for themselves. Forcing lower tier players to struggle and suffer at the hands of 'Trolling' players. Likewise, a group of the high tier players have established a guild of their own named 'GetBetterNoobs'. A clear bash at Moderators for all their 'whining.' The Pixie then pointed a mic to a high tier player, who stated out angrily. "Of course, it is a bash! Who is going to win this game? US! The noobs should just stay out of our way and help us win this thing. But no. They can't handle sucking at the game. So what if a few gamers stole your shit. You weren't using it right anyway!"

The pixie yelped as someone shoved the man to the ground and yelled out over him. "Fuck you, Asshole! More people would be alive if you fuckers would stop getting us killed for laughs!" The two started fighting and the pixie quickly moved away to tell everyone watching in a shaken voice. "As you can see. Tensions are rising between both parties. Rumors of popular gaming stars being sold off to other players and ransomed off in order to buy homes, or gear is spreading like wildfire. Some brothels have even offered sanctuary and high prices for those either brought in or that come willingly to them for work." The pixie sighed, shrugging out finally. "More as these stories develop. Stay safe out there. And to those players out there trying to win the game... I pray you do it quickly. Good luck and good night." Turning off the mirror, Sean shook his head and snuck a glance at Mark. Mark snored softly into the pillow, making Sean smile briefly. Putting his book away, Sean decided to venture out to get a drink and some snacks.

The tavern was full of players eating and chatting. N.P.C.s played soft lively tunes or rushed around to complete orders. Moving up to the bar, Sean ordered food and some drinks from the Bartender. The place felt cozy and cheerful, bringing a sense of normalcy to the air of the place. Sipping his coffee, a person slipped onto the stool next to him. Sean tensed at the sight of the person's hooded grey robes and shady demeanor. The person's hood slightly turned his way before a wispy crackling voice told him. "You're with the guy that defeated the Margygr. I'd recognize you anywhere." Sean nervously looked around at the busy tavern, upon asking curiously. "Do I know you?" He didn't see any others dressed like this person. The man reached out for a mug the bartender placed before him. His skeletal fingers wrapped up with bloodstained cloth made Sean inhale silently. Sliding the mug closer to himself, the hooded person chuckled out eerily. "You wouldn't know me. But I know all about you. JackSepticEye. Or would you prefer I call you Sean?"

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