Chapter One: "Login"

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Sean sat before his flat screen tv, watching the game trailer narrator state out information in a deep powerful voice. "Welcome to the Nine Realms. Your journey will begin in Midgard. The home of the humans. Explore each of the Nine Realms in the largest open world game. Dive deep into the roots of Yggdrasil or climb high to its bountiful branches. Make a name for yourself in this cosmic ash-tree that serves as the home between the Nine Realms. Or simply take up residence and escape. Choose and customize yourself between seven different races. Humans. Elves. Dwarves. Giants. Vanir. Aesir. Or Draugr. Not counting the vast hybrids and subraces that you can become for more unique possibilities. For those that seek to rise to the glory of the gods, you'll have to test your steel and prove your worth by defeating the levels within the heart of Yggdrasil. The World Seed. Every level is harder than the last. Every reward worth the effort. You can even earn real money. Money that you can use in game or cash out into your real world bank accounts."

Over the phone in Sean's hand, Mark told him excitedly. "Are you watching the trailer again? Shouldn't you be getting ready to login? I'm almost ready." Sean rolled his eyes, telling him in a low voice. "I'm waiting for the game to finish the download. So, I'm just refreshing the information. I don't wanna go in blind." The tv flipped slowly through screenshots of the game and character races, then the narrator continued. "Player verses player is also enabled. Bring up your honor by helping others conquer your enemies. Or dishonor yourself by taking from all that oppose you, whether friend or foe. There is no war to be waged within city limits. However, battlefield matches can be activated in varies types of private fights. Should you not wish to fight, declining a match is available. Be warned though, while battle within city limits is restricted to such matches. Outside city limits it is not. You can even fell your foes within boss fights to claim all the glory and rewards for yourself." Sean shifted a bit uneasily on the couch.

He could see that causing a problem later on and he wasn't a fan of that type of gameplay. The tv continued to change to show different seasons as the narrator stated on. "The seasons will change, and special events will come with each season. For those seeking companionship, you can marry within the game. No matter the race, or gender of a player. You can even marry the N.P.C.s of the game provided you do what is required to obtain them. You can even adopt kids within the game and create guilds." Sean heard Mark telling his girlfriend over the phone how long he'd be playing for, but he tried to ignore them to listen to the narrator say. "For obvious reasons this game is for adults due to violence, and sexual content." Sean blushed. Sinking down in his seat as the tv showed censored images of characters engaging in sex. He wasn't interested in the game for that reason, but he did like that he had the choice. Glancing at his girlfriend though, he took a silent deep breath. He could imagine the issues that would cause between them if he did.

Looking up from the game's guidebook, she asked him curiously. "You're going to let me play it tonight? This looks like fun." Nodding, he turned off the tv and got up. Heading down the hallway, he mumbled out. "Ya. I might be a bit though. Mark and I were going to explore it." He heard her chuckle lightly, before calling out. "Are you going to livestream it?" Opening his office door, he told her honestly. "No. I wanna jump in and take a look around first. I'll tell you if it is safe to do so." Over the phone, Mark excitedly blurted out. "It's finished. I'm gonna start it now. How far along are you?" Closing the door, Sean walked over to the new gaming chair. Leaning in to see the computer monitor, he woke up the screen and smiled. Easing into the comfortable chair, he removed the visor headset and told Mark with a grin. "All set. See you inside." Lifting his feet to put on the footrest, he typed out his login on the small keyboard under the mounted computer monitor. He was one of three hundred players that had been given the newest Virtual Reality Gaming Chairs to test out. So, he planned to make the most of it.

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