beach deal

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"Emma Goodwin on the rich side of the town, who would tell!" - I shouted in a sarcastic tone,  as I entered the beach.

When I decided to go surfing this afternoon, the last person I expected to see was Emma Goodwin. Not on the rich side of the town. Not on an afternoon after school in the middle of the week. Not on my family's beach!

Emma was never seen here, not even at parties. She just wasn't that kind of girl.

When my eyes met hers, the red that consumed her blurred eyes, like glass windows fogged up in winter, made me realise what happened. The breakup. Rumours at our school soon spread, and the worst part is that most of them are true, no matter how terrible or cruel.

Emma Goodwin was a junior. She was one year younger than me. She has always intrigued me, not only for her unmistakable kind of beauty, but for her way of being. Her hair was brown, dark brown, and always fell perfectly covering her collarbones, on which she always wore a necklace with a moon pendant. And she had those eyes that were like a mirror to her soul. Dark brown, honey-coloured in summer. Big brown eyes that made her round face pop.

God, I almost sound obssed with her. That's not it. I just have always watched her from a distance and at the beginning of this year she helped me a couple of times with maths. I mean, she was more forced by our teacher to do it since she was probably the best student in our school and I was going to fail. I've learned two things from that: trigonometry and that Emma Goodwin thinks I'm an asshole. I don't blame her. I don't have a good reputation.

During our study sessions i found really interisting teasing her: she had that innocent look, incapable of being mean even if she tried to stood up, and the funniest thing is she didn't give a fuck about me. I don't know why, I usually caugh up the ladies' attention, but not for the best either, most of them are only interested in my family's money. I guess that's why this girl stood up to me, she was different from everyone else.
But that's enough about her!

The waves were pretty good today! I put my board in the water as I entered the sea. At this point Emma rolled her eyes, giving me a look of contempt as she pushed the water away in front of her, with her arms, trying to move to a spot further away from me.

"This beach is huge, couldn't you take your surf somewhere else?" - she complained, while closing her eyes because of the sun.

Oh darling, only if you knew i own this beach.

Before I could came up with a nice comeback to teasing her, a larger wave, which she clearly didn't see because she was busy looking in my direction while arguing, burst towards her, causing her to go completely underwater as she was swept away by the force of the sea.

I've been swimming at this beach for enough years to know that it wasn't big enough so she couldn't get back to the surface of the water on her own, but because I like to annoy her, I swam over to her, putting my arms around her back to help her up. She pushed her hair away from her eyes and then pushed me.

"Let go of me, I can swim!"

"It's not a good day for swimming, haven't you seen the size of these waves? It is for surfing, though!"

"Well, bad for you! I'm not planning on moving. You are the one who should leave, I was here first!"

"Oh darling, are you trying to kick me out of my own beach?"

The moment I said that, Emma froze. Her eyes widened, looking bigger than ever, in an expression of shock.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm leaving now." - she said with a soft, almost broken tone.

I grabbed her wrist as she tried to turn to leave. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that! I'm used to seeing annoying people on here all the time, anyways. People from our school always mistake this beach for a place to their make out sessions."

She laughed.

"That's kind of gross for you to say!"

As she turned around one more time, this time facing me, my eyes stared at her ribs. She had this tattoo below the line of her bikini top. It was a bow.

"I never imagined you as a tattoo type of girl!"
She looked confused for a while.
"The bow!"- i said - "What does it mean?"

"Oh God! You are so going to make fun of me for the rest of my life!"

"Ah!" - I shrugged my shoulders - "Yeah, I will!" - I laughed. I would do anything to mess with her but I was genuinely liking the time we were spending together.

"It's a song!" - She said in a loud tone. At this point she was on the sand as she searched for a towel in her tote bag but I was still in the sea, although close to the sandpit.

"It's called The Archer!"- she continued, while drying her hair, now completely curly because of the sea water, on the towel.

" I don't think i'm familiar!" - I shouted as I took a stroke that gave me momentum to get out of the sea.

She waited for me to get to her before answering me. " I didn't expect you to be, it's Taylor Swift!"- she admitted, while rubbing her face.

"Oh! Is it a cheesy lame song about a boy?" - I asked in an annoying tone between laughs.

"No. It's not. And it's none of your business. It's on my body, not yours!"

She didn't seem happy about it, but I shouldn't have said that when she had broken up with Nico probably an hour ago, either.

Nico, right! That guy was a jerk. He used to be our friend when we were 16 but then left the group because his mum told him so. I don't blame her for that, we were 16 crashing parties, drinking and driving without a license but that guy did everything his mum wanted and didn't even have his own opinions. It was as if she had molded him to be one way, and he never went against her. This resulted in him growing up without gaining maturity and he was a jerk to the girls he was with. He always badmouthed them to the whole school when they broke up, blaming them for the end of the relationship. His mum was so worried that we were a bad influence but at least we're not disrespectful like that.

"Emma, do you know how to surf?" - I asked, trying to change the topic after the bullshit I had said to her.

"Hum, not really to be honest!"

"How can someone live in Bellmor and not know how to surf!" - I said holding out my hand to her as a sign that I would teach her.

"Oh! No, no, no!"

"C'mon, just trying to stand on the board to gain balance! It's not like I can make you pro in one class"

"You're not giving me surfing classes!"

"Well. What if we make a deal? You teach me maths and I teach you how to surf. I think I must have forgotten how trigonometry works again."

" That's impossible. No one forgets how trigonometry works after a whole month of studying with me!"- she was right, I was just making an excuse to see this girl more, and I hated myself for that. She was supposed to continue to help me the whole year but she stopped when she started dating Nico. I'm sure he had something to do with it.

"That's a yes?"- I asked.

"Ok, ok, you win!" - she said smiling.


Soooo, this was Damian's pov. I don't know what to think of it but I really wanted to know your opinions on the first chapters. Alsooo, are you alive after the 1989 TV announcement?
If you read this far, thank u so much, please vote if you can, ily <3

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