Blood on your hands

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Flashback to the hospital

Y/n just left Tara's room. He wanted to protect her...He needed to protect her. Y/n had so many thoughts going through his head, he was completely oblivious to the shadows lurking in the darkness of the hospital hallways.

Y/n goes pass the receptionist desk, only to hear gurgling sounds. Y/n carefully looked around the the receptionist desk, only to be met with true fear. The fear sent chills up and down his spine. He was frozen...frozen with fear. Potassium running through his veins and nerves, causing him to get sent into initial shock.

A dead officer laid on the ground, blood surrounding the body as the officer gurgled on his own blood.

After a couple seconds of standing there frozen from the initial shock, Y/n went to move but was hit with something on the back of his head, knocking him unconscious.

After some time, Y/n woke up, but he was still in the hospital, just a different room. In front of him, stood two figures with Ghostface costumes on.

Y/n tried to get up to fight them, but he was tied down to a chair, causing him to just squirm.

"We've got an invitation for you."

It was the same voice he heard when Tara
woke up after surgery, the voice used by the
person who almost killed Tara.

"We'll untie you, but don't fight."

The Ghostface on the left then untied Y/n from the chair.

Ghostface grabs him by the throat. They both tilt their head as one of them raises their knife, putting it closer to his face.

"We've got something for you."

Y/n couldn't tell which one of them was
talking, he hisses, clenching his teeth as he
feels the knife pressed even further into his
cheek, blood starting to pour out.

One of the Ghostface punches him in the
stomach, making him fall to his knees as the air
left his lungs. "You. fuckers."

Y/n was about to get up when one of them
crouches in front of him, handing him an open
folder file with his name on it.

Ezra Riley Weathers.

Name of the mother: Gale Weathers.

Name of the father: Roman Bridger.

Date of Birth: November 11th, 2001

Report by: Dr. Stephen C. Larson Date:
November 22nd, 2011

Ezra is officially his real name, but was soon changed to Y/n for unknown reasons.

After his father being killed just one year after his birth, his only family left is Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers, who the two decided to give full legal custody to Dwight Riley and Gale Weathers, thinking it was the best choice at the moment. Ezra is currently suffering from PSTD. After shooting and killing Jill Roberts just five weeks ago before this report. This PSTD can cause memory loss. The most notable memory disturbances in PTSD involve memory for the trauma itself and are characterized by both vivid involuntary flashbacks of the event and fragmented, disorganized voluntary memories of the event.

Ezra is already presenting both. Previous exams and tests have confirmed a higher probability of Ezra developing more serious mental illness in the near future, as research does suggest that mental illness can run in families, unfortunately for his, the autopsy of his biological father, Roman Bridger, revealed he had an affair with Gale-

He stopped reading, trying to process
everything that was written down. That was not the only page, there were plenty, it was a big folder.

Dewey is not his real father?
Sidney is actually his aunt? His real father was a killer? Is he going to turn out just like him? They all knew this and decided not to tell him. Is that the reason why killing Jill felt so good? Does he enjoy hurting people? Is he going to hurt Tara? He could...never. Or could he? He is actually turning 17, he just lost an entire year of his life.

Both Ghostface's were standing there, in silence,
watching as Y/n mentally crumbles. They both know
Y/n's weakness is his own mind.

"They lied to you..." One of them said.

"They have been lying to you, your whole life with the lame excuse of protecting you." Y/n looks at the Ghostface on the left, his face showing no emotion. One of the killers smile from under their mask, knowing they have finally broken Y/n.

"It's in your blood."

Y/n slowly nods, and for a second he swore
he heard a voice whispering in his ear.

'Do it.'

Y/n looked into the corner of the room, seeing his dead father standing there, staring at him with a mischievous grin. Roman slowly nods approvingly, the dried blood covering his face and Ghostface robe.


A/N: (Any thoughts or predictions? I'll post another chapter tomorrow, I think. Taking suggestions for any ideas y'all have. I'm making a Clementine x Male Reader fanfic, but I do need who ever decides to read its help, because I need the viewers to make decisions to which it will lead to different outcomes. If you have any ideas for novels I should make, I will make it and give credits!)

Is it Love or Blood in the air? Tara x Male Yn Scream 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora