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"Coming up after our local weather, the pros and cons of reuniting with old friends." Gale said through the tv before Dewey turned it off.

Dewey cracked his knuckles and got up from the couch. He walked over to a counter where his phone was charging and he unplugged it. Dewey then sighed.


It was a nice sunny day, seagulls in the back. The best survival, the one and only, final girl, Sidney Prescott was on a walk run. She stopped when she heard her phone ring. Sidney pulled her
phone out and answered the call.


"Hey, Sid, it's me."

"Dewey?" Sidney chuckles. "Oh, my God. How long has it been? I'm just trying to get a run in before I take the girls to school. How are you?"

"I'm good, really good. How are you? How's Mark?"

"I think I'll keep him. How are things in the sheriff's business?"

"Uh, they're...But, Sid-."

"Have you talked to Gale lately?"

"No, not in a couple years."

"I know things didn't end well with you guys, but-."

"Sid...Y/n came to my door today with two other people."

Sidney's face instantly fell. "What? I told him not to go back to Woodsboro."

"I know...it's happening again."

"What are you talking about?"

"Some idiot in a Ghostface mask. Four attacks so far. One dead. Something about this one just feels different. Y/n was attacked as well, but he's not dead."

"Was he injured?"

"Yeah...I saw him with bandages on his shoulder."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You know me."

Yeah. I do. That's why I'm asking."

"I'm fine. I just...I just want you to be safe up there. Do you have a gun?"

"I'm Sidney fucking Prescott. Of course I have a gun."

Dewey smiles and chuckles. "Good. That's good."

"Does Gale know?"

"No, she's my next call. But Sid, promise me: No matter what you hear or what you see on the news, don't come here."

"No offense, Dewey. I have no intention of ever stepping foot in that town again."


"Dewey...whoever this killer's after, I'm glad they have you to protect them. But...you be safe, okay?"

"Will do."

"It's good to hear your voice."

"You too, Sid."

Sidney then hung up the phone.


"Come on. Get it together, Dewey." Dewey said to himself.

Dewey breathes deeply.

Dewey then goes into his favorites on his text messages. The only one to pop up is 'Gale.'

Dewey then sent the following:


Y/n came to my door today...
Ghostface is back. Don't
come here.

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