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Following Mimic and the blob's demise, you called the proper authorities and of course the company head as well. 

Arriving that Sunday morning you received medical aid as employees and police scouted the building. When the medics weren't looking you grabbed a few small supplies you were able to stick in your back pocket. 

After getting checked out you were summoned to the office at the front of the building where you would meet with company CEO, Mr burrows. Unfortunately however you were fired from the security job that day. Not because of the attack and destruction of the raceway but the disappearance of Roxanne Wolf. In your report to the company you stated that Roxanne went missing during the attack and was never recovered. Though many of the animatronics vouched for you, it wasn't enough in the eyes of Mr Burrows, lucky they only fired you and decided to let you walk away. 

On your way out you met up with the animatronics at the front aside from DJ, as he doesn't have much access to the rest of the building. Walking out of the office you saw, Sun, Monty, Chica, Bonnie and Freddy all waiting by the exit. 

"Can't forget to say goodbye," an energetically sad sun said as he proceeded to hug you. 

"Hey Y/N, good luck out there." Monty said as he gave you a thumbs up. 

Chica ran up for a hug. "Take care of both of you." 

Bonnie proceeded to run in and join the same hug as Chica with Sun rejoining as well. 

"Hey, give him some space." Freddy said as the others backed off. 

"Superstar, I'm sure you'll be back here someday but for now, you owe me a promise." Freddy said. "Promise me that you will do everything you can to keep her safe." 

"Freddy, I can definitely fulfill that promise." You replied. 

Freddy then came in for a hug with the other four joining in. 

"We'll miss you two superstars!" Freddy said. 

You then walked out the building, waving your hand on the way out, and left. Freddy and Bonnie then proceeded to walk back towards the raceway. While construction workers began moving rubble, they made their way to the pile where the Mimic was buried. Freddy looked around and pulled out a busted ray. 

"Freddy, is this really what we came back for?" Bonnie asked. 

Freddy then opened his chest hatch and put the ray away inside. "Yes, if we ever need a way out it might not be bad to have." 

While walking out Bonnie asked a question. "Hey, Freddy, did you see a human hand sticking out from the rubble?" 

"No, Bonnie, I didn't, maybe you should have your optics checked." 

"Hehe, you're probably right. Maybe it's because of all the human interaction we had this weekend." Bonnie replied as the two chuckled out of the raceway. 

Walking out of the building and hopping in your car and sitting down, two hands slowly came from behind your head. 

"Roxy, I can't drive if I'm blind." You chuckled. 

"Oh fine, but can we go already, I'm absolutely dying to get back to your place." Roxy replied. 

"Okay Roxy, but I don't live in any place like the plex, are you sure that's the best thing for you?" You asked. 

"Y/N, being anywhere with you is the best thing for me." She replied as you backed up and left the parking lot. 

The company decided to close for yet another week after just re-opening. Quickly they got to work on repairing the raceway, and the holes that went into Bonnie Bowl and the Fazcade. Meanwhile, finding a replacement for Roxy.

( Potential Spoilers for Ruin below)

I hope you enjoyed reading this story. No one's said anything yet but I am fully aware of the flaws that lie beneath the surface of my story, like the characters and therefore a lack of a story. The idea came to be after replaying security breach, and after watching "that part" of ruin. (That part might be very spoilerish, so I'm just gonna refer to it that way for the time being.) I was inspired by the idea of the Mimic escaping a different way but along the way than how we saw in Ruin. If I were to do a second one, I promise to put way more thought into it and extend the publishing dates a little further than a day apart. Any questions please leave below and I'll answer anything I can. =D

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