Chapter 10: I wouldn't be the best without you

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You turned around to see Chica, an animatronic again. 

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha." The Mimic laughed, "That makes four, one more to go." 

You and Freddy quickly ran towards the track and ran in the direction to where you had left Roxy before. This time the karts that blocked the path were no longer in the way. You were surprised upon arriving not able to find Roxy in sight. 

"Wha...Where'd she go?" you asked. 

You and Freddy proceeded to look around before being caught by the Mimic. 

"Freeze!! Both of you need to stand up and put your arms in the air." Freddy stood up and put his arms in the air. You followed shortly after. "WHERE IS SHE?" The Mimic screamed. 

"We don't know, She was right here and now she's gone." You replied. 

"LIES!!!" The Mimic seemed frustrated at this point, like a machine filled with nothing but bad data. 

"Maybe you both just need a little more convincing." Mimic said as he pointed the ray in your direction. 

"I had Freddy make some special modifications, ones that would completely fly over his head. Not only now can the ray turn animatronics into humans and vice versa but it can also disintegrate any trash in my way. Simply by turning this knob to the word confetti the ray will turn you into dust." Mimic said with great confidence in its voice. 

"Hey, you said that was for making confetti out of inanimate objects!!" Freddy replied angrily. 

"Oh I will be making confetti, Freddy, Human confetti." Mimic finished

While the ray began to charge you could swear you heard the sound of a kart coming. You realized in that moment where Roxy had run off too and quickly came up with a plan. 

"Hey Mimic, don't I get any final words?" you asked. "Ughh." Mimic was annoyed but his frustrated-ness turned to an evil grin. 

"Actually that would be great and then I can make your death look like a complete accident or even worse. Whenever you're ready, just start talking and when I feel like I've gotten enough I'll blast you." Mimic said as he held the ray. 

As the kart got louder you began to stumble through your wording. 

"Well, I suppose I lived a good life and all but if this is where my story ends, what's wrong with a little confetti and some...." 

"Looking for me? scrapy." Roxy shouted as she rammed into the Mimic with the kart. 

Roxy jumped out of the kart and sent it flying over the edge with Mimic stuck in the front. You and Freddy ran to the rail of the track as you watched Mimic fly through the air. Scrambling to get away the Mimic grabbed the ray and looked as though he attempted to fire it on himself. The kart hit the wall and fell to the floor, severing Mimics right arm off. Fortunately the rubble from the wall began to fall on top of the Mimic burying him. DJ sent the Blob in the same direction as where the Mimic had landed. The Blob flew through the air and landed right on top of where the Mimic had been buried moments ago by rubble. You turned and raced back to check on Roxy who was lying on the ground of the track, again. 

"Roxy, are you okay?" You asked. 

"That's the second time I saved your ass, You must be my favorite, Y/N." she chuckled while you and Freddy helped her stand up. 

The others rushed over. 

"Roxanne? Are you okay?" Chica asked, gesturing to her bloody leg. 

"Get her over to one of those benches, I'll go get a Medkit," 

Bonnie said as he ran off to the garages. You and Freddy walked Roxy over to a cushioned bench just outside the garages and laid her down on top. Bonnie ran in with the kit and handed it to you. Taking the dirty rag that used to be a sleeve out of the way, you rolled her knee up in fresh clean bandages. 

"So Y/N, up for a rematch?" Roxy asked. 

"Are you really concerned about racing right now?" You asked. 

Roxy was silent for a moment looking down at herself. 

"Could I have a second with Y/N alone?" Roxy asked the group. 

They all walked away to either help DJ and Sun with the door or confirm that the Blob is really out for good. 

"Y/N, this choice is hard for me to make alone, truly because I am afraid. I'm afraid of the unknown, the what ifs and of not being considered the best anymore." Roxy said with worry in her voice. 

"Roxy, if this choice is so important, we shouldn't be racing for the decision, especially with how injured you are." You insisted. 

"Let's do it then, right here, right now." Roxy replied. 

"Should I remain human and spend the rest of my life with the best?" She said while pointing at you. 

"Or should I return to my never ending state of parties and celebration." Roxy finished. She seemed eager at this point, like she already knows her answer but was waiting to hear your thoughts before making the real decision. 

"Why wouldn't you want to go back, it's my fault after all. You got blasted attempting to save me." You replied. 

"Because this is the best thing that's ever happened to me, You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." Roxy said while taking your hand. 

"Y/N over the past day or so, I've learned quite a few things about being human, the experiences, the wonders, and most importantly the expression." 

You and Roxy stared into each other's eyes while holding hands. 

"Well Roxy you will always be the best in my eyes but it sounds like you've already made a decision yourself." You said while smiling at her. You both leaned in and shared a prolonged kiss.

Writers stuff down here:

Please leave any questions here. Epilogue coming at some point (I have no actual clue when, but it will happen no matter what.)

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