The interview went exactly how they expected it to go. Thankfully, the questions had been sent to them before they arrived so they had time to prepare.

As usual, Taehyung hung back and let his bandmates answer most of the questions. Since he struggled with English the most, it meant he often misunderstood what was being asked. For some reason, no matter how hard he tried, the language wouldn't click with him.

Once he met his soul mate, he hoped things would be different. Reports suggested that soul mates with a language barrier could immediately understand one another once they met. It was the power of the bond, apparently.

They congregated back in Jin's room after the interview. By then, it was already mid-afternoon and their emotions were bursting. Namjoon said that Freya and her friend would be arriving at four. That gave them two hours to prepare.

Despite being thrilled, Taehyung was also anxious that this person wouldn't be their soul mate. If that was the case, then they would be back where they started.

To prevent his thoughts from spiraling like the others, Taehyung suggested playing a board game. Namjoon sent a message to Sejin, asking him kindly to bring a board game with him.

They only ever played board games for ARMY. Taheyung couldn't remember the last time they had done it because they wanted to.

He sat on the floor with his bandmates, squeezing in between Namjoon and Hobi. Taehyung wrapped an arm around Hobi, pulling him closer.

"Apparently Sejin could only find cards, so what should we play?" Yoongi revealed, shuffling the cards in a professional manner.

"Go fish. It's been a while since we played that game," Hobi answered immediately, smirking evilly.

Jungkook and Taehyung groaned. The last time they played that game, it ended in a blood bath. They all argued about who had the fours and even tackled each other.

"Is that wise, hyung?" Jimin asked, glancing at the two youngest in amusement. "We don't want to start a war."

"Jimin, why are you acting all innocent? You were just as bad as them." Taehyung called him out, recalling how angry Jimin got from being accused of hiding the fours.

"Hey! I wasn't as bad as you and Hobi. Hobi-hyung was so furious he nearly had steam coming out of his ears." Jimin reminded them all, shivering at the memory.

"That was years ago. I'm a different man now," Hobi joked, pulling Taehyung closer to him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at Hobi's comment, "Sure Hoseok. Whatever you say."

The game proceeded, with Namjoon in the lead. Taehyung pouted as he stared at his cards, aware that there was no way he would win. He snuck a peek at Hobi's cards and grinned internally when he saw he nearly had all of the nines. Perfect.

When it got to his turn, he asked Hobi for the nines. Hobi gasped and threw Taehyung a dirty look. "You cheated!" He accused him, pointing a finger at him.

Taehyung feigned innocence, "I did not!"

"You so did," Hobi countered.

"I saw you sneak a peek, Tae," Jimin threw him under the bus.

Taehyung threw a glare Jimin's way.

"Yah, enough!" Jin scolded the maknae's, shaking his head in disbelief. Then under his breath, he said. "I should never have allowed us to play this game."

"Hand over the nine's Hobi. That's the rule," Taehyung ordered, triumphantly.

Reluctantly, he slammed the three cards into Taehyung's hands. He was the first person who had a set and it boosted his confidence. Until...

Jungkook came out of nowhere, demanding the right cards from everyone. The golden maknae struck again with his luck.

Taehyung should have expected it. Jungkook was good at creeping up on you with his talent.

Checking his watch, Taehyung was surprised to see that they had an hour left until their potential soul mate would arrive. He gasped, drawing the attention of his friends.

"We should get ready."

"What do you mean 'get ready'?" Yoongi murmured, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Taehyung knew his hyung wanted to nap.

"Don't you want to look good when our soul mate arrives?" Taehyung questioned, already forming an image of what he wanted to wear.

"He's right. I don't want to greet our soul mate in joggers," Hobi agreed, flickering his brown orbs to his casual, comfortable outfit.

Jimin pouted, "I don't know what to wear. I don't want to come across as too flashy. Why is this so difficult? Why am I so worried about clothes?"

"You're nervous, Jimin. It's natural." Namjoon assured Jimin, patting his shoulder lightly. "We all are. You don't need to dress up to impress our soul mate. They will love and admire you for who you are."

"Let's wary, okay?" Yoongi cautioned the rest of them. His hopes had been lifted since he bumped into their soul mate at a cafe, but he was still the wariest of them. Taehyung knew that it was for their benefit but he hoped that he would also allow himself to feel happiness.

"We will be," Jin replied, confidently.


THE TIME HAD come. They were all jittery with nerves, bouncing on the balls of their feet. Taehyung could feel his heart pounding in his chest, threatening to leap out and fall on the floor.

Sejin had volunteered to meet their soul mate at the entrance to the hotel, where he would then guide them to a secluded area. BTS had set up the area specifically for this, wanting to meet their soul mate in a private area that wouldn't overwhelm them.

Taehyung curled his fingers together and twisted his signature ring around his finger. His eyes flew to the clock for the millionth time. This time, his heart jolted when he saw it was four. They should be here.

Keeping his cool, he assessed his friend's expressions. They were all on edge, feeling the same emotions as him.

"Where are they?" Jimin queried, impatiently.

The corners of Taehyung's lips quirked upwards, "Give them a moment. They probably just arrived. It takes a minute or so to walk over here."

Silence fell over the group again. Anticipation swirled in the air.

And then, the doors to the spacious private lounge swung open, revealing a small, young woman with thick dark hair. Her facial expression was pinched and guilty but also excited.

Taehyung immediately knew that the woman before him was not their soul mate. 

You can also read further ahead on Inkitt for a small fee! 

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