Ch.7 - So Long...

Start from the beginning

Y/N stood up, turning his body to face her.

"That cloak hides nothing, Raven," He began, "I've been around long enough to see through this charade. Am I... doing something wrong here?".

She stayed silent.

Y/N had grown quite suspicious of Raven over the past couple of days he had been with the Titans.

There was something within her.

The voices inside his head grew stronger when she was near.

2 Days Earlier...

"We really appreciate your help, Y/N," Robin said with a smile, pouring his new friend a glass of Diet Coke, "I've... never seen anyone work the field quite like you,",

The evening after the arrest of Cinderblock, the Titans were back at the Tower enjoying a ceremonial pizza night. The mission had been a surprising success.

Y/N was a little annoyed when he had to stay behind to wait 1 hour for the police to take the villain away, while the Titans went home.

"You're telling me you didn't previously notify the cops before you decided to wreck half the block?", Y/N asked.

"Nope, but you know the rule: You fix the crime, you do the time," Beast Boy replied.

"Man, this guy's a genius," Y/N mumbled to himself.

Despite the slight inconvenience, Y/N felt like he had done some good. There were people surrounding him that would pat him on the back, and smile at him when he looked their way.

He had never been exposed to these feelings of comfort in his life.

"Y/N, wanna try some of this vegan pizza? It's loaded with almond cheese and soybean chorizo!" Beast Boy held out Frankenstein's pizza to Y/N's face.

"What has this species come to?"

However, this crime against humanity did not distract Y/N from what really caught his eye.

Raven sat quietly on the other end of the Kitchen counter, her hood concealing her face, sipping on a nice warm mug of Herbal Tea. She looked so peaceful. Not to mention effortlessly beautiful. She didn't seem to realise the outward charm that she carried, and how alluring she was to onlookers.

Not to mention the occasional glances she would shoot at Y/N whenever she thought he wasn't looking.

It's always the quiet ones...

Present Time...

"I may not know you yet, Raven, but I know you well enough to understand this charade you're playing," Y/N continued. Despite his convicting words, his tone stayed very stoic and approachable.

After a brief moment of silence, Raven's eyes suddenly began to glow in a black aura.

"Oh no..."

Y/N suddenly felt his flight instincts kick into the auto-pilot. Unfortunately, this did not happen fast enough

Raven fired beams of black energy from her hands, hurtling Y/N toward the edge of the roof.

Y/N let out a scream in pain, as he felt his torso burn up like an oven. "This energy... I've felt it before..."

"I know what you are!" Raven shouted, levitating above Y/N like a vulture watching its prey. "Stay away from me!".

Y/N coward back in fear, "It can't be...", he said under his breath.

"Stay back!" Raven called, refusing to let her guard down. The newfound Titan was able to dodge her attack just in the nick of time.

"Raven, please, I don't want to hurt you, can you please jus-"

"And you never will be able to once you're sent where you belong!"

The Tower began to shake as Raven's magic began to overload.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

Just as the magical essence was about to strike Y/N, his eyes began to glow white.

He fired his white-beaming energy from his eyes, as Raven continued to push her magic onto him.

"You have no idea what you're doing, Raven," Y/N's voice was low, yet broad and demanding.

"Shut up!" Raven fought back harder in response, strengthening the blow of her energy.

Y/N fought with his all to strengthen the energy beams from his eyes, as he began to visibly succumb to Raven's strength.

After some painful back and forth between the two heroes, Raven became too much for Y/N to handle.

Her magic shot him in the face, rendering a severe burn on his face.

He screamed in pain and collapsed on the floor, as Raven closed in on him.

"Raven, please, stop!" Y/N fought for his life. Never had he felt this endangered.

"What? Aren't you going to fight back?" 4 red eyes emerged on Raven's face, "You know what will happen if you don't!" Her voice was dripping with conviction.

He did know. But it was too late to fight back now. Now that his suspicions were true, he would rather not be there for what was said to happen.

If he had to die, then so be it.

She levitated over him, her hood lowering, exposing her face. She would've been beautiful if she wasn't about to kill a man.

 She would've been beautiful if she wasn't about to kill a man

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She loaded her hands with magic aura, "So long, Y/N,"

As she was about to strike the blow, Y/N felt a tear stream down his right cheek.

I'm gonna miss this place...

Y/N closed his eyes, as he said his goodbyes to the world he never got to know.

• • • • • • • •

Hey guys! Thanks for reading today.

What will happen next?

Will Raven be charged for your death?

Will Raven come to her senses and will live happily ever after with you?

Or will gain the strength to fight back for the life you never got to live?

Teen Titans X Reader (Male) | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥Where stories live. Discover now