Chapter 42

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The day had passed nicely, everyone had left at some point to shower and change but we all stayed in the room together, talking and laughing. I had stayed put in Loki's lap for most of it, only really moving when he wanted to read and needed his other hand to be able to turn the pages.

We had all just finished eating dinner together and everyone went back into the living room while I cleaned up, Loki came in the kitchen to get a drink but stopped me before he left.

Leaning down he presses our lips together before moving to my ear. 

"You've been so well behaved today Love." His fingers bump against mine, his magic flows into me when we touch and sparks travel over my body. "I can't wait to give you what you deserve later." 

A breath leaves me before he stops, pulling back with a grin before leaving the room. 

I hurry to finish cleaning, my need driving me to rush. 

I take a breath and let my body relax as I walk back into the living room, I'm about to wish everyone goodnight, wanting to hide away with Loki but I pause when I hear a tapping. 

I look at everyone else but no one seems to notice anything, the tapping persists and my eyes scan around the room slowly until I'm looking at the balcony doors. 

I walk over quickly and open the door, the Raven hopping in. 

Letting go of the door I sit on the floor so we are facing each other. 

Hello princess. 

"Hello, Huginn. How are you?" 

I am well, I have a message for you

I smile at him as I unclip the note and read over it. 

Daughter. I hope you are well. Heimdall has told me you have had to overcome many problems in the past few days. The refugees have settled in nicely on the east. No other issues have come up in the last meeting. Send my love to my sons. Odin. 

I put the note on the ground in front of me and summon my own paper and pen. 

Father, it has been a troubling set of days but I would rather talk with you about it when we are back in Asgard. I'm glad to hear that, hopefully we can find a more permanent solution to this issue soon. Our schedule has changed, should you have need of me just send work. We all send our love back to you and mother. Katherine. 

I look up at Huginn as I roll the note up. 

"Did you tell your brother about me? Odin said you might." 

I did! He wanted to come and meet you but Odin had other tasks for him. 

"Love- "

"Well I'm sure we will meet soon enough." 

He hops onto my knee and I stroke a hand down his back. 

I've missed you princess, Odin doesn't show affection the way you do. 


"I missed you too. I'm sure he doesn't but we are different people, we show things differently." 


"What?!" My head spins to Loki, he looks taken aback for a moment before his usual composure comes over him. 

"What does the message say?" He is stood up and Thor is beside him, both of them looking at me expectantly. 

I pick the note up and scan it again before vanishing it. "He sends his love to you both." 

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