The Chronicles of Exodus 2 Revenge of the fallen

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I do not deny that the undead can rise from the fields in Hell, but I, like so many others have never seen it. But lately I have felt...something, a disturbance. An awakening is coming, and it will not stop until every last creature is destroyed. May God have mercy on our souls...

As the songs of war whistled through the cold wind a fire flickered. Specks of flame burst into the air before dissipating in the cold. Groans from the infected echoed in the distance while the wind howled. Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the icy blue. Bright orange swelled with purple flickers lit up the night. A figure, stood. Wielding the weapons. As the flames grew closer, the mist swept away revealing...aa man. He stood, a firm grip on the weapons he held. An undead creature lumbered towards him. But the man remained unfazed. The creature lunged but with exact precision the man raised his weapons and sliced through the undead, its body sliding to the floor. The figure walked by the corpse and sheathed his dual-chained blades on his back. The dim light of the blood moon rising over the constant dark storm clouds. A grumble came from above. A shadow of a giant winged beast loomed over the area, its silhouette growing nearer and nearer before landing. As it did, the man raised his hands to his cloak and removed the hood. This was no man. This was the God of Destruction. The son of war and bringer of pain. This was Jira.

The Chronicles of Exodus 2: Wrath of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now