I walk past everyone trying to get a seat in the middle, perfect to see, perfect to still get away with some things. I sit on my new wooden desk engraved with the school's logo, a shield-like shape with a roaring lion, I caress the carvings with the tips of my fingers, admiring how beautifully made it is.

Until someone almost sits on my hand I look up and see this random dude sitting on my desk his back facing me, what does this brat think he's doing?

-"Excuse me?" I try to get his attention when I realize he's kissing the blonde girl I saw before, it must be her boyfriend...

-"All right I have to go." The guy sitting at my desk stands and hugs the blonde I met.

-"Bye-bye, babe." She giggles and when he walks out the door she looks at me.

-"Oh hey you're the clumsy girl that bumped into me! Did we bother you?" She smiles wiping her messed up pink lipstick.

-"Yeah a little bit, your man almost sat on my hand." I laugh sitting back down.

-"I'm so sorry! My name is Audrey." She stretches a perfectly manicured hand for me to shake.

-"I'm Quinn, nice to meet you." I firmly shake her hand. That's exactly when the teacher enters, and Audrey quickly takes the seat beside me.


-"I can't believe that's all we saw!" I complain to Audrey as we lower the stairs instead of taking the elevator to the ground floor.

-"What do you mean?! That math class was the end of me." We both laugh as we enter the cafeteria. Audrey is really nice, at least I found a friend.

As she pays for her food I take out my lunch, I can't be wasting that amount of money for some pasta, I prefer my homemade sandwich with my carrots and nuts.

-"Girl I have to sit with my boyfriend, you want to tag along?" She asks me as she reserves her warm plate of pasta.

-"Oh no, I'm not third wheeling no one." I laugh covering my mouth since I already took a bite of my sandwich.

-"Are you sure? Where else will you sit?" Her concern makes me smile.

-"Hey! You think you're my only friend? I do have someone else to sit with, so don't worry about me." I smile and start walking to those seats I saw when I first entered.
I flop down and finish the rest of my lunch.

Of course, I have no other friends, I just arrived here, one month later than everyone else, and of course, everyone already has their friend group I was just lucky Audrey decided to be nice.

I take out my headphones and start to plant music as I scan my small to-do list notebook.

I find a guy walking by and decide to ask him.

-" Um hey, I need to go to the principal's office, or somewhere I can get service, do you know where that is." I say taking off my headphones and letting them hang around my neck.

The tall guy looks down at me, and when we make eye contact his, green eyes scan me up and down, making me self-conscious.

-"I'm heading there, I can guide you." His voice with a low thick accent, makes me wonder if every guy here is like this.
He starts to walk. A guy with Light brown hair, freckles, tall and buff... I can feel myself blush.

-"So you're freshman?" He asks as I walk beside him.

-"Yes, but I'm going to ask if they can upgrade me a grade, I already saw what I'm seeing in class now." I cross my arms as frown remembering my annoyance towards those teachers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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