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you walked on the sidewalk outside of your school. your boyfriend didn't show up today, so you figured you could go and check on him at his house. that was, until you heard yoongi call out your name from next to his car.

"hey, yoongi, what's up? i'm kind of in a hurry." you said. "i don't want to talk about it much here, but i was wondering if you could help me shop for my sister's birthday? it's soon, and i don't know what to get her." he explained.

you weighed the options. you could go and check on your boyfriend, like you had intended to, or go shopping for your best friend. as much as you wanted to see your boyfriend and make sure he was okay, you really wanted to go shopping. she deserved something special, something she would really love.

"okay, let's do it!" you said happily. yoongi smiled his classic smile at you and got into the driver's side door. you sat in the passenger side, and soon enough you were on the road.

you and yoongi were making casual conversation and enjoying the ride. you glanced out the window and felt your stomach drop a bit. you looked around and realized you had no clue where you were.

"hey, yoongi, where are we going? the mall is nowhere near here."

"we're not going to the mall." he said, eyes not moving from the road ahead.

"okay, then where exactly are we going?"


you looked at him with a puzzled expression. "home? whose home?"

he smiled. "ours."

you narrowed your eyes at him. "stop the car. we need to talk." you said, trying to keep a brave front.

he did as you said and pulled onto the side of the road. "what's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked you in a loving tone.

you raised your eyebrow at him. "sweetheart? sorry, but can you just explain what the hell is happening here?!" you said loudly.

he grabbed both of your shoulders and held on with an iron grip. "i love you, [name], isn't it obvious? you're too good for anyone else. we belong together. don't you believe in fate?"

you looked at him, now more confused than scared. "yoongi, if this is some kind of joke, then it's not funny. stop this." you pleaded. "i'm serious."

"so am i! [name], you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. i want to spend the rest of my life with you. i know you're scared now, but i promise, i'm going to make you the happiest girl on earth." he said, his hands grabbing yours.

"no, yoongi, no. i'm not doing it. let me out." you said, turning to reach the door."

"if you even touch that handle, i'll kill both of us just like i killed your ex-boyfriend." he said, his voice serious and eyes dark. you stopped moving. "what do you mean? did you-"

he put a finger to your lips. "that's not what we're talking about, baby. now, put your seatbelt back on and calm down. i'm not going to hurt you, okay? i love you. besides, you're the one who told me to shoot my shot. this is me listening to you." he said, his manner changing drastically from what it was just a minute ago.

there was nothing you could do.

"now what?" you asked, because that's the only thing you were thinking about.

he sighed. "well, we'll get married when we're both old enough. probably have a couple kids. get a dog. vacation at the beach. who knows? i'm just glad we'll be together, darling."

you didn't answer. none of that sounded appealing, but you had no choice. this was going to be your life now, and there wasn't anything you could do to get out of it.

yoongi had a lovesick smile on his face as he drove, his hand still holding yours. he knew that you were upset now, he had anticipated that much. you'd come around eventually. all he could do now was think about the life you were going to live together.

he was obsessed with you.

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