Story 23: Homelander's Tasty Trap

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The sound drew him to a dingy old warehouse that was away from any urban area. The old thing was rusted and had aged poorly out in this place. But, being away from that awful sound means going somewhere so remote, that it had decayed. He then opened the door to the abandoned warehouse, its creaking echoed throughout the sizable building. He didn't think much of it; it seemed quaint and inconspicuous. Too quaint and inconspicuous to be trusted, Homelander thought.

This felt...unnatural. This building felt and looked too old to still support electricity. How is there lighting here? His suspicion came to a climax when he looked upward after reaching the middle of the building. There, something began to decend. He knew it! Something was wrong with this place! Before Homelander could leave, however, the decending object shot downward, and landed right into its target: Homelander's mouth.

The supes' surprise is what made him stay put. This object was..a hose. A hose hooked to a machine that was in this place's ceiling, obscured by the lights. It then began to hum like a machine would, the classic 'hhrrmm' rang throughout the building like the door's creaking did. Then, a liquid poured through the hose into his mouth. This liquid was, strangely, milk. He wasn't complaining, as this milk tasted fresh and cooled. Homelander stayed for a while, the machinery's hum was almost hypnotic alongside the milky goodness pouring into him. He really didn't want to leave at all.

This continued for a solid two to three hours until Homelander felt something was wrong. Up until this point, he felt good! Yes, he did grow a soft and plump dad bod-esk shape, which made him lose his abs a tad, but he didn't mind. That was only in the first 30 minutes. The next 150 minutes made his body expand more, his dad bod becoming more of a jumbo-sized beer (or, in this case) milk belly. It gurgled and sloshed around as it gained more mass. Some of the poured milk also went to his hindquarters, with it already being quite larger than those of an average man. His hips gained width as well, stretching outward to accommodate his heavier frame. This is when Homelander felt his suit become tighter than normal. Something was very wrong.

His suit had began to stretch like duct tape; his spandex clearly did not appreciating being stretched out by the amount of blubber he had accumulated. The machine still kept on pumping milk into Homelander, and soon, he couldn't fly out of the building anymore due to his body weighing him down.

This milk pumping process went on for countless hours, every gallon going into him and making his body larger and larger. Homelander grew huge, his body slowly becoming a sea of milk-induced fat. His belly stretched outward, with its groans becoming much more prevalent as time went on. His rear plumped out with his thighs, eventually leading to his legs not being able to support him anymore. Homelander's legs promptly flopped onto the ground, with him promptly becoming immobilized. The hose still persisted, getting faster than before.

Homelander's body (now a sea of fat) expanded rapidly now; it was taking space quickly, and soon, there'd be no place his fatass wasn't at in here. Homelander attempted to let out a moan of satisfied worry, when a stuck belch rumbled out of him. The pressure and force of it forced some of the milk inside his mouth to leak out. Homelander's suit was really starting to wear by this point, with the backside of it tearing, especially at his crack. Eventually, the suit did snap, exposing his once-chizzled body. Homelander's rapid expansion continued without a hitch, even with the building falling apart from his weight pressing against the walls. Without a mouth to escape out of, the milky methane gas finally found freedom through the mountainous ass Homelander now had. It sizzled and bubbled out in the air, smelling like spoiled milk. Homelander became flushed with red, with his gas humiliating him.

Eventually, the walls caved in, and the warehouse collapsed. With it, that wretched machine stopped. This finally allowed Homelander to fully unleash the extent of his dairy gas. His belches roared across nearby area. His blasts smelt worse than before, along with them bubbling and rocketing to a deafening extent. Homelander's body was fully exposed to the outside world. Thankfully, nobody was around, he thought.

Then, a seemingly small man was up behind him, giving a small piece of his super ass a smack. "Looks like the ol' thang worked gud!" He said. Homelander could barely hear him over the churning of his body. "OI!" he shouted. He looks down at the ground the best he could, and then he sees that bastard. The warehouse was set up and trapped by none other than Billy Butcher, finally getting his overdue revenge on the psycho-supe. "How's it feel to be a cow, 'omelander?" He smugly asked. "Fuck you..*UWUURRMMMPPPP!~*" Homelander replied, not before belching milky gas once again.

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