Story 22: Crowd Control

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That thought sounded more than satisfactory. The thought of slicing those who opposed him sounded completely just to him. He was most certainly broken. A narcissist, emotionless, psychopathic mass murderer, he was when cameras weren't facing him. When they were, he was the perfect boy scout. Perfect is what they wanted him to be. He was MADE to be the perfect mascot by those scientists. Thinking in the moment again, he thought of something better than simply causing a quick death to the crowd. He wanted something slow. It then hit him.

For a moment, the crowd went silent, waiting for what this "hero" had to say. Perfect opportunity to hop up and sore upward, causing a sonic boom that knocked out any electronics nearby that could record what he was going to do. This wasn't too taxing, as he had previously kept up with a private jet. As the electronics in the crowd malfunctioned, he slowly flew down again. He watched, emotionless as people were confused and (most certainly) even more angry at him now. He was on solid ground when one of the crowd members had aggressively approached him. "You don't speak for us!" The person shouted at him. Of course, he didn’t bat an eye. Being such a nigh-godly man like he was, he wasn't phased by what any puny human shrimp had to say about him. Quite easily, he lifted the Caucasian male up and towards him. The "super hero" then opened his mighty jaws wide.

The man went down easily, surprisingly, considering that Homelander hadn't eaten a whole human before. That was good, as he had much more to devour. As time went on, more and more the crowd disappeared into his rapidly growing gut. Bigger and bigger it grew, with little signs of stopping, too. Eventually, all that could be heard of the crowd was wails and screams for mercy. No mercy would be served to those who'd slandered his image. The amount of people in his stomach made it hard to walk, but at least he could slightly levitate off the ground to reduce the road rash he could probably get. Eventually, Homelander found his way back to the stage area with that the Neuman lady was at the entire time.

She had stared at him in disbelief during the time that entire crowd was swallowed. She was a tad bit worried, but not visibly. He approached her, eventually pinning her to a wall nearby. The mass of moving flesh that gave pressure to her entire body caused Neuman to be stuck, her arms and legs being crushed by the weight of this straining and screaming mass. Her heart pounded, the screams were very distressing, their pleads sounding ever more convincing to her. To Homelander, they sounded like pathetic nonsense. He refused to listen to their puny pleads for life. He wanted love, yes, but not hatred. Soon enough, his stomach began slurring and bubbling loudly, as cracking of bones rattled throughout his ballooned gut. Eventually, the screaming stopped, and all that remained in Homelander's stomach was cracked bones and a bit of miscellaneous items.

The flubber from the mass of people accumulated around his body, but mostly around his thighs and his then-regularly sized rear. His suit stretched like duct tape, the spandex getting tighter as more fat went to his body. It felt good. The fat he gained was squishy and bouncy, almost mattress-worthy! Nonetheless, Homelander felt a sudden urge to use Neuman as a human chair (more like a human pillow due to the fact she was much smaller than even one of his cheeks). Turning around, Neuman got to see the new and massive seat he had, not before promptly squishing her deep into his crack. The not-so-super hero's stomach gurgled and churned massive bubbles of meaty methane gas, awaiting to be released. They traveled into both ends, causing quite a ruckus on their way.

Eventually, the bubbles bombastically exploded out of the mascot hero, massive hearty belches smelling of rank gas washed out of Homelander, along with a few broken bones and maybe an item or two occasionally. Where Neuman was, it smelt like concentrated musk and swamp ass. The stench of the explosive gas made her gag and even swallow her own vomit on several occasions. Eventually, the waft torture from this psychopathic pig of a "superhero" was too much for poor Ms. Neuman, causing her to pass out unconscious from the lack of fresh air. Ungluing himself from the poor excuse of a cushion, Homelander admired himself for a second, but not before anyone could see him. When the authorities came, they ruled it as a gas leak, not knowing what truly happened. Homelander's image was still in-tact. All was well (except for Neuman, she awoke with brain damage in the hospital nearby).

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