Chapter Four

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Mira stood in front of a full-length mirror in the elegantly appointed bride quarters of the Sharma estate. The room was awash with the soft glow of morning light filtering through the sheer curtains, casting a warm embrace upon her. She wore her wedding dress, a creation of delicate splendor that draped around her like a whispering promise. The gown, an embodiment of grace, featured an elegant, flowy silhouette that trailed behind her in a small train, carrying with it the dreams of a new journey.
The dress itself was a masterpiece of artistry. The bodice was adorned with intricate lace that traced delicate patterns against the tapestry of her skin. The neckline, modest yet alluring, framed her collarbones and revealed just a hint of the elegance that lay beneath. The skirt cascaded in gentle folds, embracing her figure like a lover's touch, before pooling into the graceful train that trailed behind her.
Her hair, swept up in an elegant chignon, was a canvas for a scattering of white pearls that adorned her tresses like precious droplets. A few tendrils escaped their confines, framing her face in a soft, ethereal halo. Her eyes, a reflection of a world unseen, held a mixture of anticipation and nervousness.
Suddenly, the gentle rustling of fabric and footsteps behind her signaled the arrival of her family. She saw her mother and brother approaching her from behind in the mirror's reflection, both adorned in elegant attire befitting the occasion. With a deep breath, she turned to face them, bracing herself...

The garden, soaked in the golden embrace of the sun, had transformed into a picturesque setting of celebration. Tables and chairs adorned with delicate floral arrangements stood like sentinels, bearing witness to the gathering of guests who sipped from their glasses and engaged in lively conversations. The floral path that divided the garden in two led toward the gazebo where a cascade of flowers and drapes awaited.
Among the hushed tones of admiration and whispered conversations, a common thread wove its way through—the tale of the Mittal daughter ascending to the title of Marchioness. Speculations about the expedited preparations and the fortuitous alliance found their place in the discussions.
Lady Sharma, a vision of grace in her own right, moved with purpose through the gathering, her radiant smile and welcoming gestures setting the tone for the event. Kenam, by her side, exuded an air of pride and enthusiasm as he guided guests to their designated seats. Their choreographed movements through the garden seemed almost like a silent overture, setting the stage for the forthcoming vows.
The guests took their places, their anticipatory whispers hushed as the moment of culmination drew near. At the altar stood the Marquess, the embodiment of refined elegance. His attire was a symphony of sophistication, a testament to his stature. The tailored black jacket hugged his frame with a precise fit, exuding an air of authority that was softened by the crisp white shirt underneath. A white rose, the emblem of purity and new beginnings, peeked from the pocket of his jacket. The sunlight played upon his features, casting gentle shadows that seemed to trace the contours of his face. There was a subtle tension that lingered in his stance, an almost imperceptible tightening of his shoulders, a fleeting glance that betrayed the nervous undercurrent beneath his composed exterior. Beside him, Kenam stood as his best man, sensing the tension that emanated from his older brother. 
As the final notes of anticipation hung in the air, Lady Sharma took her seat in the front row, the embodiment of elegance. She was joined by Lady Mittal and Rohan, their hurried arrival a contrast to the composed ambiance that enveloped the space. Sam's eyes flickered briefly, registering the presence of his family, before returning to the path that lay ahead.
The soft strains of the wedding march began. The collective gaze of the attendees turned toward the floral-adorned path, where Mira stood, a vision in white. Her arm was linked with her father's. Her bouquet, a cascade of delicate blooms, trembled slightly in her hand as she took each step forward. Her breaths came in labored rhythm, the weight of the moment hanging upon her like a heavy shroud. 
Amidst the crowd's expectant gaze, her father's presence should have been a source of comfort. Yet, his grip on her arm was tight, almost bruising, a physical reminder of the chains that bound her. He leaned in, his words a venomous whisper that curdled the air. "Don't forget our little discussion. You better do as told", he hissed, each word dripping with a menacing intent that sent a shiver down her spine. It was a chilling reminder of the power he held over her, a cruel assertion of control in a moment meant to be one of joy.
The weight of his warning bore down on her, suffocating her in a moment that should have been filled with hope. She resisted the urge to break free from his grasp, knowing the consequences would be dire. Instead, she focused on the path ahead, as her fingers tightened around the bouquet, and she summoned the strength to face the unknown.
They finally reached the altar, and her father relinquished his hold on her arm as he placed her hand into Sam's. Lord Mittal then retreated to take seat next to his wife, leaving Mira standing beside the man she was about to marry.
Her eyes, shielded by the sheer veil, stole a glance at Sam. Through the gauzy fabric, he appeared as an enigmatic figure, his presence magnetic and his form impeccable.
As the priest's voice resonated, the ritual began, a dance of words and vows that would shape their future. However, the recitation seemed to blur into a distant hum, overshadowed by the intensity of her own thoughts and emotions. As the clergyman's words drifted around her, Mira's mind was pulled in different directions.
The memory of her earlier encounter with her mother and brother swirled at the edge of her consciousness, rendered alive by both the physical and emotional pain she still felt. Her family's expectations and her own desires formed a symphony of conflicting feelings, the notes of which played alongside the priest's ritualistic cadence.
Simultaneously, she was acutely aware of Sam's presence beside her, the subtle warmth radiating from his body. Even though they weren't touching, his nearness alone was a magnetic force, tugging at her attention.
When the moment arrived for her vows, Mira's voice trembled slightly, a manifestation of her inner turmoil. As she said the words "I do", her tone held a firmness that bellied the uncertainty within her heart. Sam's voice resonated within and around her as he repeated the same words, its vibrations echoing in her heart.
They turned to face one another. Kevin passed the wedding ring to Sam, while someone behind Mira did the same. She couldn't quite recall the identity of her maid of honor – perhaps a cousin she didn't really know. It hardly mattered in that moment.
Sam took Mira's hand into his and slipped the wedding band onto her finger, a shimmering circle of commitment that now adorned her hand. Her eyes locked with his as she performed the same ritual, placing the ring on his finger.
The priest's voice sounded through the hushed air. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife", he declared. He held a beat before looking at Sameer and adding "You may now kiss the bride, your grace."
Mira's heart thundered within her chest as Sam gently elevated her veil. Her breath hitched, anticipation building in her, and she couldn't help but look at his lips as he drew nearer with deliberate slowness. In that timeless moment, it was as if they were transported back to the very beginning, to a time when innocence had coloured their connection. 
She felt his lips brushing against hers then, soft and yielding, a delicate mix of warmth and a tenderness that surprised her, while his facial hair subtly tickled against her skin. Mira surrendered to the kiss, her eyelids drifting shut as Sam's mouth moved over hers. Her body quivered, every ounce of tension that had gripped her before dissolving into nothingness. In its place, a shockwave of pleasure rippled from their touching lips, cascading down her spine like electricity.
As they parted, their gazes locked once more, and within the depths of Sam's eyes, she saw a hint of surprise, mingled with the same pleasure that had ignited within her.
But then, reality intruded with the thundering applause of the gathered guests. Sam and Mira turned away from each other in unison, their eyes now directed towards the jubilant audience. Together, they walked down the altar, the new union celebrated by those who had witnessed their vows.
As they descended the steps, the garden came alive with the sounds of celebration. Laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses filled the air. The guests, now relieved of their earlier hushed anticipation, embraced the festive atmosphere with open hearts. Lady Sharma, her radiant smile now contagious, welcomed the attendees to partake in the sumptuous feast that awaited them.
Tables laden with delicacies stretched beneath the welcome warmth of the sun, creating a magical ambience. The scent of the finest cuisine wafted through the garden, beckoning guests to indulge in the culinary delights. The dance floor, set under the open sky and adorned with flowers, enticed couples to sway to the melodious tunes of a string quartet.
Amidst the festivities, Sam and Mira moved like figures in a dream. Their hands brushed against each other as they exchanged pleasantries with the guests. Sam's eyes found Mira's amidst the crowd, and in those stolen moments, the world seemed to fade away.
As the day progressed, an unspoken tension simmered beneath the surface of Sam and Mira's interactions. When they were brought together for their first dance, Sam held Mira close, their bodies moving in perfect synchrony to the gentle strains of violins. Her hand rested lightly on his shoulder, while his firm grip on her waist sent shivers down her spine.
Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the unspoken connection between them surged to the forefront. It was something they had both tried to ignore, thinking it could be brushed aside as a mere consequence of their situation. Yet, Mira couldn't help but feel that it had always been there, a subtle undercurrent that had been present throughout their lives.
But the day wore on, and the dance came to an end. They parted, breathless and aching with a desire that dared not speak its name. The unspoken tension remained, hanging in the air between them like an electric charge, a reminder of what could be but wasn't meant to be—at least not yet.

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