Chapter Three

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In the days following the engagement, Mira's life was a whirlwind of activity, enveloped in the preparations for the upcoming wedding. Every corner of the Sharma Estate seemed to be adorned with the trappings of celebration. Amidst the hustle and bustle, Mira found herself drawn into the intricate web of planning, spending countless hours with her mother and Lady Sharma. From choosing the most delicate and opulent fabrics for her wedding dress to selecting each piece of exquisite jewelry, every detail was being curated with meticulous care.
Mira had never seen her mother so thrilled, as Lady Sharma had taken upon herself all the expennses. She seized every opportunity to express her sincere gratitude for her future mother-in-law's generous gestures.
Although, Mira realized that in reality she owed her thanks to none other than her husband-to-be. Amidst the warmth and generosity of the Sharmas, Mira couldn't ignore the sense of indebtedness she felt towards Sam.
She coulnd't shake the memory of the engagement evening, when her father had broached the subject of dowry. She had been filled with unease, knowing that her family was not as financially well-off as the Sharmas. She had feared that the discussion of dowry might lead to complications and distress.
Just when the situation seemed poised to take an uncomfortable turn, Sam's voice had cut through the tension. The Marquess had intervened with a resolute declaration that the Sharmas would not accept any dowry and would bear all the wedding expenses. Mira's heart had skipped a beat as she gazed at him. She could still picture the determined glint in his eyes as he spoke, his voice unwavering. His decision had caught everyone off guard, including Mira herslef.
Now, as she reminisced, Mira realized the depth of the impact of Sam's gesture. Unbeknownst to him, he had shielded her from a lot of pain and discomfort. In fact, the journey back home in the carriage with her family had been a stark contrast to when they had been on their way to the Sharma estate. While riding to the engagement ceremony, the atmosphere inside the carriage had been heavy with tension and resentment and Mira's mother had used the entire time to unleash her frustration, her words like barbs aimed at Mira's self-esteem. They echoed painfully in her ears, a relentless stream of accusations that labeled her as nothing more than a financial burden to the family. It was a heart-wrenching experience to be belittled and shamed by her own mother, a woman who was supposed to be her source of comfort.
As if her mother's words weren't enough, her brother Rohan had joined in, seizing the opportunity to assert his dominance over her. His grip on her wrist had been painful, a physical manifestation of the control he wielded over her. "You'll finally be of use now," he had sneered, his tone dripping with disdain. "This marriage is our way to profit, thanks to you."
Mira's attempt to free herself from Rohan's grasp had been futile, as always. His aggression knew no bounds, and this time, he had pushed her forcefully against the carriage wall. The pain in her back had been a bitter reminder of the years of suffering she had endured under his tyranny. His words were laced with venom, and yet, Mira had summoned every ounce of strength to mask her hurt and push through the ordeal.
The truth was that her life had been marked by this constant ache, not just the physical pain from her brother's aggression but the emotional scars that came with it. Rohan had held her captive, his manipulation and control stifling any sense of individuality or agency she might have had. It was as if he reveled in wielding his power over her, a power that her parents seemed oblivious to or chose to ignore.
She had carried this burden silently, shielding her pain from the world. Not even Kenam, her dearest friend, knew the depths of her suffering. The mask she wore was a shield against the judgment and pity she feared would come if her secret were revealed. The scars, both seen and unseen, had shaped her in ways only she could understand.
Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. The impending marriage to Sam and becoming part of the Sharma family held the promise of liberation. With each passing day, the anticipation grew, a beacon of light guiding her through the darkness. In her heart, Mira held onto the belief that her future would be different, that she could find the strength within herself to rise above the pain and the loneliness.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Kenam. It was the wedding eve, and Mira and her mother were visiting the Sharmas.
Even though she had been often at the Sharma Estate in the last few days, she had yet to see Sam again since the engagement. The Marquess was rarely present at home and during these preparations, she had heard from Kenam. His duties as the head of the MPS and the responsabilities that came with his title called for most of his time. Mira understood the demands of his position, but a part of her had hoped for a chance to get to know him better before their wedding day. There was a lingering curiosity about the man she was about to marry, the boy she had once known who had grown into a respected figure in society.
In the midst of the busy days, Mira found solace in the company of Kenam. His infectous enthusiasm for the wedding and genuine affection for her warmed her heart. She cherished the moments they spent together, laughing and teasing each other like siblings, even having tea just now. In Kenam she finally found the kind-hearted brother she had always longed for, a stark contrast to her actual bother.
Amidst the gentle ambiance of the drawing room, Mira found herself engaged in a lighthearted conversation with her soon to be brother-in-law. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and the delicate clinking of cups provided a soothing backdrop to their words. Mira's mother and Lady Sharma were similarly engaged in their own discussion nearby, sharing laughter and stories as the excitement for the upcoming wedding bubbled in the air.
Kenam's mischievous grin tugged at the corners of his mouth as he leaned in slightly. "Are you excited for tomorrow, Mira?" he asked with a playful twinkle in his eyes.
Mira felt her cheeks warm as a blush crept onto her face. She nodded, her voice a bit shy. "Yes, of course. It's just that... well, there's also a part of me that's quite nervous."
Kenam chuckled softly, a reassuring light in his gaze. "Ah, the nervous excitement of embarking on a new journey. Perfectly normal, I'd say."
She smiled gratefully, appreciating his understanding. "It's just that I have no idea what to expect," she admitted, her gaze drifting to her teacup.
Kenam's expression softened. "You know, Mira, sometimes the unknown can hold the most wonderful surprises. And I have a feeling that this journey will be full of them."
Her eyes met his, and in that moment, Mira felt a surge of comfort. Kenam had always been a pillar of support, and his words were a balm to her uncertainties.
He leaned in closer, his tone playful once again. "You know, I can't believe you didn't tell me about your secret affair with my brother. I had to find out about your impending nuptials from Mother."
Mira's eyes widened, and she quickly hushed him, her cheeks reddening even further. "Kenam, it's not like that at all! You know how these misunderstandings can happen."
He laughed, the sound light and carefree. "I'm just teasing. But hey, at least you'll soon be able to call my big brother your husband."
She rolled her eyes playfully, though a smile tugged at her lips. "Oh, stop it, Kenam."
His laughter was infectious, and Mira found herself chuckling along with him. "How about we take a stroll through the garden and see how the preparations are coming along for the big day?" he suggested.
Mira nodded, setting her teacup aside. She stood up, and Kenam followed suit, the two of them making their way to the garden. Lady Sharma and Mira's mother joined them, creating a small group that walked amidst the garden's beauty.
As they approached the grand gazebo adorned with flowers and drapes, Lady Sharma's voice held a touch of pride. "This is where the ceremony will take place," she said, her eyes shimmering with anticipation.
Lady Mittal's voice echoed with agreement. "It looks absolutely enchanting. The perfect setting for a wedding."
As they stood before the adorned gazebo, Mira's gaze lingered on the structure that held within it a treasury of memories. It was here, beneath this very canopy of intertwined flowers and drapes, that she and Sam had woven their childhood moments into something deeper. The gazebo had been their haven, their secret retreat from the world that lay beyond its delicate arches. In its embrace, they had laughed until their sides ached, whispered secrets that only the night could hear, and shared dreams that were woven from the threads of their imaginations.
But one memory stood out, etched in the canvas of her mind with the precision of an artist's brushstroke. They had been standing under the fateful gazebo that evening years ago, hearts racing with a blend of excitement and uncertainty. In the soft evening light, their eyes had met, and a moment that was both fleeting and eternal had unfolded. She could still feel the whisper of his breath against her lips, his fingers brushing against hers in a touch that was both hesitant and fervent. They had shared a kiss—her first kiss—underneath this very gazebo, amidst the sweet fragrance of flowers and the watchful eyes of the moonlight.
A curious twist of fate had brought them to this same gazebo once more, this time not as carefree children but as two individuals poised on the precipice of matrimony. The irony of it wasn't lost on her—a place that had witnessed their innocent affection now set to bear witness to the vows that would bind them together as husband and wife.
She wondered if Sam remembered that kiss, that moment that had held a world of meaning for her. It was a question she had pondered more than once, as she tried to decipher the distance that seemed to have grown between them over the years. She had always wondered if he held any recollection of their shared secret, if the memory was as vivid for him as it was for her.
Yet, deep down, a part of her knew that it was unlikely. Time had a way of softening the edges of memories, of blurring the details until they became mere fragments of the past. Why would he remember that moment? It had been just a fleeting instant in the grand tapestry of their lives, a moment that held different meanings for each of them. She looked at the gazebo once more, her gaze gentle as it traced the intricate patterns of flowers and fabric.
As they walked back inside, the day gradually drifted into evening, and the sense of anticipation grew even stronger. Tomorrow was poised to be a monumental day for all of them, a day that would mark the beginning of a new chapter.

Moonlit Memoirs: The Tangled Ties of Regency HeartsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя