Chapter Two

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A fortnight had passed since that fateful night at the Cowper Ball, and the Sharma Estate was abuzz with preparations for the impending wedding, the excitement palpable in the air, as the entire household worked tirelessly for the momentous occasion. A sweet scent of freshly cut flowers was floating around, as every corner of the grand mansion was being adorned. Servants scurried from room to room, arranging delicate bouquets and decorating the halls with elegant draperies.
Marchioness Sharma, with her innate sense of style and grace, oversaw the preparations with a keen eye. She wanted every detail to be perfect, from the exquisite floral arrangements to the intricately embroidered linens that adorned the dining tables. She spared no effort in ensuring that the celebration would be a testament to their family's status and reputation.
Despite the circumstances that brought about this wedding, Lady Sharma had begun to warm up to the idea, mostly hoping that her oldest son might finally find some peace and happiness in a life shared with a partner of his own choosing. After everything, every burden and responsibility he carried without ever lamenting, he deserved it. Besides, she had always held a fondness for Mira, having seen her grow into a young, elegant, and polite lady. Though the same could not be said for the rest of the Mittals.
Kenam, also brimming with excitement, lent a hand where he could, his infectious enthusiasm spreading to everyone around him. He ran errands with boundless energy, making sure no task was left undone.
As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the Sharma Estate, Sam wearily entered the grand foyer. The weight of a long day's work bore down on him, evident in his furrowed lines on his forehead and the slight sag of his shoulders. He had been immersed in his duties as the police commissioner, and the thought of facing the wedding preparations only added to his exhaustion.
Kenam, however, greeted him with unbridled enthusiasm, a grin spreading across his face as he bounded towards his older brother. "Sam! Finally home, huh? Ready for your engagement, then? You look positively excited, brother", he teased playfully.
Sam rolled his eyes, a small, crooked smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Oh yes, I can't wait", he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's the highlight of my life really."
Kenam chuckled, undeterred by Sam's dry humor. "Come on, big brother, it's going to be fun! You'll see. And just think, after this, you'll finally be settled down", he said, nudging Sameer jokingly.
"Settled down?" Sam raised his eyebrows. "Do you think me some wild stallion that needs to be tamed?"
The youngest laughed heartly. "Well, you've had your fair share of adventures. Maybe, it's time to embrace a little stability in your life", he said, his teasing tone lighthearted.
Sam shook his head, a hint of weariness in his movements as he removed his coat, handing it to a passing servant. Just then, Lady Sharma entered the room and smiled warmly to her sons. "Oh, Kenam", she said, her tone affectionate,"my dear, you're as excitable as ever."
Kenam's grin widened. "Well, Mother, can you blame me? I'm about to gain a sister, officially!", he explained, eyes glimmering.
Lady Sharma turned her attention to her eldest son, her expression softening. "And you, Sameer? Are you not looking forward to the wedding? You and Mira were always so close as children", she remarked.
Sam's smile faltered slightly, and he looked away, avoiding his mother's gaze. "Mother, that was a long time ago. We've grown up since then, things have changed", he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.
Lady Sharma placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Change is inevitable, my dear. But sometimes, the ties that bind us are stronger than we realize", she said, her eyes filled with wisdom.
Sam's mind drifted back to the cherished moments he had shared with Mira. They had indeed been inseparable, a dynamic duo, always playing and laughing together, whispering childhood secretes in each other's ears, indulging in pranks and mischief. But life had taken them on different paths, and their once unbreakable bond had faded with time. You let it fade, a small voice whispered in his head. He pushed the thought aside. The past was best left where it belonged – in the past.
His introspection was interrupted when Lady Sharma reminded him to dress up for the engagement ceremony. "The Mittals will be here soon, you should look presentable", she said, her tone gentle but firm.
"Yes, Sam", Kenam interceded. "You wouldn't want your bride-to-be to remain unimpressed!", he laughed, earning a glare from his brother.
With an inward sigh, Sam acquiesced and retreated to his room to prepare for the occasion. He longed for a moment of respite, a chance to escape from the demands of society and the expectations of his family. However, he knew he couldn't evade this engagement ceremony, for it was the first step towards the marriage that had been thrust upon them.
As he reluctantly dressed, he couldn't help but wonder how this arrangement would unfold. He had no time for love or romance, and he didn't believe in fairy tale endings. But fate seemed to have a different plan in store for him, and as he prepared to meet Mira once more, he knew that their lives were about to change in a way that neither of them could have foreseen.
Deep down, he couldn't shake off the memory of Mira's expression at the Cowper Ball – the surrender and sadness that had flickered in her eyes. He had remembered her as determined and stubborn as children, but that obstinance seemed to have waned over the years.
Sam wondered if she truly wanted this marriage, or if, like him, she was simply succumbing to the expectations of their family. How could she want this after witnessing what happened at the ball?, he thought, cringing at the memory of his reckless behaviour with Beatrice Cowper. It had meant nothing to him but a fleeting distraction, and he hadn't intended for the situation to grow into such a mess.
Though, if he was meant to be seen with a woman and forced into marriage, he was relieved it was with Mira rather than some shallow socialite. At least Mira knew his family, and would surely be an exemplary Marchioness.
His spirits lifted slightly as he walked to the terrace adjacent to his bedroom. Stepping onto the terrace, he gazed at the estate's gardens bathed in the soft light of the sunset, and inhaled the fresh evening air. Reaching into his pockets, he retrieved a cigarette and a matchbox. The flame flickered to life with a soft crackle. Drawing in a deep breath of the tobacco's calming fragrance, he exhaled a cloud of smoke and watched it dissipate into the night air. The gentle breeze caressed his face, offering a brief respite from the demands of the day while the tobacco's soothing effect eased the tension in his shoulders.
In the distance, the soft rumble of wheels echoed through the night. His keen gaze turned towards the entrance of the estate, where a carriage drew near. The Mittals had arrived. As the carriage came to halt, he noticed the graceful figure of Mira stepping out. He watched her from above, a mix of emotions swirling within him as their eyes met.
With a final exhale, he stubbed out the cigarette and left the terrace to descend the grand staircase that led to his room. Sam knew it was time to face the consequences of his own recklessness.
As he reached the entrance, his mother greeted the Mittals warmly, and he stood by her side with a composed demeanor, masking any trace of his internal turmoil.
Lady Sharma invited everybody to take a seat in the elegantly adorned sitting room. Soft, cushioned chairs were arranged in a semi-circle, facing each other, while a small table in the center displayed an array of dainty refreshments.
Lady Mittal, adorned in a resplendent gown and exquisite jewelry, sat with a regal air, her posture exuding pride and sophistication.
Lord Mittal, on the other hand, appeared somewhat bored, as usual, remembered Sam. His round figure was relaxed in his chair, seemingly more interested in the cakes and scones on the refreshments table than anything else.
Rohan, Mira's older brother, stood tall and imposing behind his sister with a hint of arrogance etched into his features. His demeanor spoke of privilege, as if he believed himself above others, despite the fact that his family was not one of the most prominent ones in the ton. Sam observed him with a critical eye, knowing that beneath the polished façade, Rohan had a penchant for indulging in vices like gambling and revelry.
Sam recalled the days when he, his brother, Mira and Rohan spent countless hours together due to their fathers' friendship. Despite being the same age, Sam hadn't gotten along well with Rohan even as children. He vividly remembered how Rohan's mean-spirited pranks and games targeted Mira, and the sight of her tear-streaked face seeking solace in him would ignite his anger. Acting on instinct, he always stoop up for his dear friend, even if it got him into trouble with his parents.
As the conversation between Lady Sharma and Lady Mittal flowed with pleasantries, Sam discretely stole a glance at Mira, who was sitting across from him. Her slender figure donned a light pink gown, a perfect complement to her glowing brown skin. Although she looked beautiful, he couldn't help but notice the faint traces of weariness etched into her delicate features. Her shoulders seemed slightly slumped, and he wondered if she was alright. Their eyes met for a moment and Sam detected a hint of brightness in her gaze, a glimmer of something that made his heart stir. He found himself captivated by the depths of her dark brown eyes, the windows to a soul he had known so intimately in their youth.
As the servants served tea and refreshments, the room was filled with the delicate clinking of china and the soft murmur of conversation. Lady Sharma and Lady Mittal discussed details about the upcoming wedding, while Rohan occasionally interjected with a boastful remark or two.
Amidst the awkward atmosphere, Sam noticed Mira's slight tremble as she sipped her tea. He cast a concerned glance in her direction, but she quickly averted her gaze, as if not wanting to draw attention to her nerves. He admired her poise, the way she carried herself with grace even with the pressure of this impending union.
The moment for the engagement ceremony arrived and the room hushed, with everyone standing up. Lady Sharma handed Sam the intricately crafted ring adorned with glistening bright gems, and for a brief second their eyes met. Her gaze held a mixture of hope and apprehension. Sam silently held her hand for a quick moment as he took the ring from her, silently trying to reassure her.
Turning to face Mira, he gently grasped her trembling hand, the touch igniting a familiar spark. Sam carefully slid the ring onto her finger, feeling the warmth of her skin against his. "It suits you very well", he said, attempting to keep the conversation pleasant and light.
"Thank you, your Grace", Mira replied, bowing slightly and addressing him formally rather than using his name. This surprised him, considering they had known each other for a long time. He chose not to dwell on it.
Lady Mittal, never one to hold back her thoughts, couldn't resist commenting on the ring's splendor. "Oh my, what an exquisite piece of jewelry! It must have cost a pretty penny, Lady Sharma", she said, a hint of envy in her voice.
As an awkward silence fell over the room, Lady Sharma deftly changed the subject, diverting attention back to the joyous occasion. "Indeed, it is a work of art. It was gifted to me by my husband as an engagement gift", she replied, her tone warm and composed. "But what truly matters is the bond it now symbolizes between our children and our families." She then took Mira's hands in her and said, "I hope it brings you as much happiness as it has for me, dear".
"Thank you for the honor, my Lady, I shall cherish it forever", Mira replied with a gentle voice, her eyes glistening with emotion.
The engagement ceremony concluded with Lady Sharma announcing the decision to hold the wedding in two weeks' time in the estate's gardens. Joyful exclamations filled the room, and Lady Mittal's eyes sparkled with excitement at the grand celebration ahead.
Mira and Sam, however, remained silent, lost in their reflections, both wondering how their lives had come to this moment and what the future held for them.

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