Chapter One

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The Cowper estate shimmered under the soft glow of moonlight, its grand hall welcoming the crème de la crème of London society to an evening of enchantment. Within the opulent ballroom, gentle laughter and the melodious strains of violins swirled. The room buzzed with lively chatter. Genteel ladies swayed in the arms of their partners, while candlelight flickered like stars, casting a soft glow on the revelry. Laughter and the tinkling of crystal glasses filled the air, harmonising with the symphony of the waltz that swept through the room.
Amongst the crowd, Mira Mittal danced with grace, her gown cascading in soft folds of midnight blue. Her Indian heritage was evident in her traits and her glowing, brown skin. Her eyes, a deep, dark brown, sparkled as she moved with effortless charm. Tonight, she had styled her long black hair in an elegant updo, leaving a few loose locks to frame her face. Delicate golden earrings kissed her lobes, intricate bangles adorned her wrists, and a fine, golden necklace graced her neck, accentuating the graceful lines of her collarbone.
Nearby, her closest friend, Kenam Sharma, smiled warmly at her as he twirled his partner across the polished parquet floor.
Mira's gaze darted through the sea of faces, looking for one in particular, as she did every time. And there, standing by the refreshment table, she spotted Sameer Sharma, Kenam's older brother.
He looked dashing in his tailored black coat, his ebony short curls swept back from his forehead. He was a testament to the exquisite blend of hid Indian and English heritage. Both him and Kenam had radiant and light brown skin to show their mixed descent.
Tall and commanding, Sameer possessed an air of quiet confidence that set him apart. After all, he was the Commissioner of the MPS, the Metropolitan Police Service of London. His well-groomed and curated beard and moustache added a touch of rugged handsomeness to his refined features, accentuating his strong jawline. His eyes, a captivating hue that held traces of both his heritages, were like deep pools of mystery and intrigue, inviting one to dive into their depths and unravel the secretes hidden within.
Mira couldn't help but steal glances at him from across the room, her heart fluttering with emotion. As if sensing her gaze, Sam looked in her direction and their eyes locked momentarily, sending a ripple of familiarity through her soul. Yet, the connection was fleeting, for his attention quickly shifted to another woman at his side.
Mira could not see clearly who she was, but she did not really wish to. She was aware of Sam's reputation of somewhat of a rake in the last few years.
Suppressing a sigh, Mira turned her attention back to her dancing partner, Michael Harrington, son of Baron Harrington. As the song ended, they curtsied to each other and the ballroom erupted into polite applause.
Noticing Kenam approaching, Mira gracefully excused herself from her partner, and with a smile she extended her hand to her friend. "Shall we take a break from the dance floor and get something to drink?"
Kenam's eyes lit up, and he gladly accepted her invitation, linking his arm with hers. "Absolutely. The waltz has left me parched, and I must say, your company is far more delightful than the one of my dance partner, Miss Millicent Hawthorne."
A playful smirk graced Mira's lips. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Kenam. But you must admit, the ball is quite enchanting tonight."
"Indeed it is", Kenam agreed, his gaze warm with familiarity. "Though I have yet to see anyone match your grace on the dance floor. I think Millicent might have given me permanent damage to both my toes."
They laughed lightly. Then Mira hushed, "Oh, stop it, you. You know she quite likes you."
Kenam grimaced slightly. "Hopefully, she'll get over it soon"
They reached the refreshment table, adorned with an array of delicacies and beverages. Mira poured a glass of punch for herself and turned to Kenam with a playful glint in her eyes. "Anyway", she said, "do you know the latest? I hear Lady Harcourt's niece has caught the attention of not one, but two eligible suitors!"
Kenam chuckled, playing along. "Ah, the tangled web of romance at the ton's events. It seems we are all but players in a grand theatre of love and intrigue."
"Indeed, and not without our fair share of secrets", Mira replied, taking a sip of punch.
Kenam poured himself a glass of white wine, then turned to Mira, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Ah Mira, my dear friend, I wonder if your heart holds a secret or two that you've yet to share",
Her cheeks flushed, and Mira tried to maintain composure. "Whatever do you mean? I assure you, I am an open book."
"Oh, come on now, Mira", Kenam teased, raising an eyebrow playfully. "I do believe you have a secret of your own. Still carrying a torch for a certain police commissioner, are you?"
Mira blushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Kenam, you're incorrigible", she said, nudging him with her elbow. "It's been years since I last saw Sameer in that way. We're just acquaintances now, nothing more."
Kenam laughed, enjoying the harmless banter. "If you say so, but I've seen the way you look at him when you think no one is watching. The heart wants what it wants, dear friend."
Mira rolled her eyes, trying to suppress the smile tugging at her lips despite the slight annoyance. Kenam was the only person she could confide in and who was aware of the feelings her heart once bore for his older brother. "Fine, you got me, as usual", she surrendered. "Perhaps a small part of me still cares for him, but it's ancient history now. Let's not dwell on in, shall we?"
As if on cue, Mira spotted her mother making her way through the crowd, her eyes scanning the room with an eagle's precision. Mira's heart sank, for she knew that her mother's company was never pleasant. Especially given the fact that she disapproved of her friendship with Kenam. After all, he was only the second son of a Marquees, and not the oldest, which did not make him an eligible bachelor.
"I think I'll take a little stroll in the gardens", Mira said, attempting to mask her anxiety. One thing she had never confided in her friend was how her family really was. Moreover, she did not wish to be embarrassed by her mother in front of Kenam. "I could use some fresh air", she added.
"Of course. I think I'll go for a smoke. Hopefully, my mother is too busy gossiping for noticing", Kenam winked as he turned to leave.
With a quick smile, Mira slipped away from the ballroom, seeking solace amidst the moonlit gardens. She knew her mother's intentions too well - she would want to discuss potential matches and advantageous alliances. But tonight, Mira wasn't in the mood to be berated for being unable to catch a rich duke's attentions for her family's sake. She wanted to breath freely, to escape the suffocating expectations of the ton and her family, if only for a brief moment.

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