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   Septimus would not let me leave the West Wing until I tried on the gown he picked out for me. So, once the Headmaster dismissed us, I followed him to the academy dressmaker's room, where the Dressmaker changes me into the beautiful gown so she could make sure that it fits well.

   The gown is a shining golden color with a fitted bodice and perfectly hemmed skirts. It feels slightly tight but I know that that's the style so I don't say anything about it.

   "You look stunning." Septimus comments from where he lounges on a divan in the corner.

   "Thank you, I really like the color." I say, smiling and spinning a little so the skirts fan out in a circle of sunshine around me.

   Septimus smiles and dismisses the dressmaker with a wave of his hand before getting up and walking over to me. He inspects the dress carefully before finally nodding, "It will do just fine."

   I thank him for the millionth time and continue to admire the gown with glee.

   He takes my hand and leads me to a huge mirror on the far wall, chuckling as I gasp and twirl again, all the while my gaze glued to my reflection.

   "I never thought I would look so pretty." I whisper, then to him I ask, "Remember what I was like when you found me three years ago?"

   "I remember seeing potential and beauty. I remember thinking that you were the perfect little girl as you signed the agreement. That hasn't changed."

   "I know, but I was dirty, starving, cold, and desperate. Now I am none of those things." I tell him, flinching at how awful I must have seemed then.

   Septimus takes both my hands and looks down into my eyes with a very serious face. "It never mattered to me what you were then, I still wanted you."

   I smile and squeeze his warm hands, letting him pull me into a waltz even though no music plays. We dance for a while, chatting about recent events and about what my job at the Linkway Ball will be. Before long the clock bell chimes 5pm and I know I have to head for the Mess Hall for supper or my friends will start to worry.

   Septimus knows this too and says he'll wait for me to change before escorting me out of the wing.

   Once I'm back in my uniform I return to the Dressmaker's room and tell Septimus that I'm ready to leave. He just smiles and pats the spot on the divan next to him, beckoning me to sit.

   I frown and shake my head, "I have to go, you know that."

   "I am disinclined to acquiesce that request. Rather I should like you to stay and tell me of your outing last night before you leave."

   I sigh and cross my arms over my chest, doing as he says even though I know Alice will freak and Casimir will get angry.

   As I sit next to him on the divan I sink back into the velvet and let out a long sigh before speaking.

   "I gave the man in the red scarf the letter that you gave me, just like you said to do. No one saw me and no one asked any questions."

   "That's my Good Girl! I knew I could trust you, and look, I was not wrong."

   I smile, "It was in the agreement I signed, 'complete all given tasks with no exceptions'. I would be breaking the rules if I did it any other way."

   Septimus laughs and puts a hand on my shoulder, "You are such a darling! Good memory and good tactic! Rare and wonderful. Indeed I muse over the question, of how I became so lucky, often."

   I blush at his flattering words and look away, wondering if he will let me go now.

   Suddenly, he plants a small kiss on my cheek and my eyes go wide. What was that for?!?

   Septimus chuckles again and pulls me closer till my head rests on his shoulder. "I know last night tired you out and I'm sorry." He whispers, running his fingers through my hair, "I should've made Grandfather give you less classes."

   I shake my head, "I'm fine, honestly."

   "The dark rims around your eyes say otherwise. I would like to make it up to you somehow."

   I shake my head again, "You don't have to."

   "Hmm." He hums, watching as a maid enters the room with a tray of tea.

   I gratefully take a cup and sip the perfectly cooled tea while Septimus just waves the girl away and continues to play with my hair.

   "How did you sleep last night?" He asks as I set the cup down on a side table.

   I yawn, suddenly tired, before responding, "I slept fine, though this morning Maggi yelled at me to wake me up. Alice slapped her for it though so she stopped."

   Septimus nods, "What about before you went to bed? Did you have any trouble?"

   "No, Jeter and Vash took good care of me." I tell him, yawning again.

   He frowns, "Vash went missing last night, no?"

   I nod, telling him that I was a bit sad about it and that he had been a decent friend.

   "I pray your pardon for bringing the subject up, I had no idea." Septimus says, hugging me even closer.

   I am about to tell him that it's alright but instead I find myself drifting off into a heavy sleep.

   But right as I feel my conscience slipping away, Septimus asks one more question, "Have you ever thought of breaking the Headmaster's contract?"

   I'm so tired that I just say the first answer that comes to my mind which is no, hoping he'll let me sleep now.

   "Good girl." Is the last thing I hear before my mind goes blank and a warm and comfortable slumber drags me down into darkness.

The Next Morning
   I wake up to Alice shaking my shoulders gently and telling me that it's time to get dressed.

   I can't remember how I got to my dorm or anything that happened before I fell asleep.

   "How did I get here?" I groan, sitting up and slowly reaching for my clothes.

   "Septimus brought you here saying that you wanted to skip supper for extra sleep."

   I nod, "Makes sense."

   Before I walk away Alice tells me one more thing, "I had to wake you up because Maggi went missing last night. I think she had it coming to be honest."

   I smile, glad at the thought of no more bruises in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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